Cooperator - 10/22/2023 17:45
raider2b - 10/22/2023 12:51
Here is what I believe; There is a possibility that a species that we call "Bigfoot" does exist. That possibility is infinitesimally small but still a possibility. I would give it a 1 in a 100 trillion chance, but that may be giving it too much of a chance.
For a species to survive there is a rule that conservationists use to measure the viability of a certain species. That is the rule of 50/500, there needs to be a breeding population of at least 50 to keep the species going for more than 3 or 4 generations. For it to survive longer it needs 500 individuals capable of breeding. Not just 500 but 500 that can breed, doesn't include very young or very old as those are not capable of producing offspring.
To me if there were 50 "bigfoot" in a particular area I would think someone would have gotten close enough to one to take a very clear photo or bring back conclusive evidence. Most of what I see for photographraphic evidence is obviously fake. Same with UFO's, ghosts and other so called cryptids.
You can't prove a negative; in other words you can't prove that Bigfoot doesn't exist. At least in a scientific sense. Actually, you could if you were able to check every square inch of the earth, and every possible hidey-hole, which of course we can't. I doubt that many scientists believe that Bigfoot exists, but at the same time, they can't strictly rule it out.