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EV charging?
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Ed Boysun
Posted 10/20/2023 11:07 (#10449021 - in reply to #10448325)
Subject: RE: EV charging?

Agent Orange: Friendly fire that keeps on burning.

The model Y is a reasonably capable towing vehicle. 
Here is one case that used a 3,500 lb. boat.
Of course, a boat is a pretty good case because it's reasonably aerodynamic and would offer less resistance than something like a RZR on an open trailer. But that load will drag down fuel economy on an ICE vehicle too.
One thing I would say about towing with a Tesla, is one should make sure to tie down the load better than you would with an ICE vehicle or it could leave out the back of the trailer if a driver got too enthusiastic about pushing on the juice pedal.

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