| Your point is legitimate. I do believe that statistically the shots should help alleviate future covid symptoms. But we can only assume that the likely hood of something has increased or decreased for any individual event, both good or bad.
There are some that are questioning if it is the spike protein itself that is the real danger and not actually the virus. There is some logic to that train of thought. The virus and the shot are just different methods of inserting the spike protein into the body.
A Corona virus would be a very good candidate for weaponizing through the use of gain of function to deliver the spike protein “package”. That doesn’t mean that it happened, but it would be a very effective weapon.
Likewise, a shot of some sort that has the ability to evade the bodies normal defences and introduce the spike protein. One problem with using a shot is getting it into peoples bodies. Fear is a great motivator. In the event that that doesn’t work incentives would help. I’m the event that is not enough to convince everyone the big stick of segregation, job loss, and many other nefarious attacks like turning the compliant public against them might be needed.
We can all argue about what actually happened but what I said above is true and accurate as far as possible methods of administration. Having said that, we should consider the fact that the same man that was caught funding gain of research in Wuhan is also the same man who was heavily involved in pushing the shots, Fauci. Just something to think about.
Edited by havin’funfarming 10/18/2023 17:09
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