SW OH | Very well put by both of you. The company I work for in the last few years has bought 3 used trucks (formerly Cowan freight) with Eaton autoshifts and 4 brand new ones last year. I heard it cost more to get a truck with a real clutch and shifter now. 2 of the used trucks have had the transmissions replaced so far for more than $20,000 each. Dealer said cheaper to replace than fix. But we bought them cheap!
Last week a new one with 15,000 miles on it had a problem. Driver broke down the drag, loaded a paver, and couldn't back up. Bell's and lights going off, would only go in 1st gear forwards. He had to get help, unloaded the paver, used the paver to pull truck backwards to get drag hooked up, he was in the middle of a street in town, then limp it down the road a mile in first gear to a place or could be parked. The next day they borrowed a drag tractor from a sister company to move the paver then hauled the autoshift to the dealer. I have not heard what the problem is yet, probably a sensor or wiring harness issue. Meanwhile the crew lost a day of paving because of not getting the paver moved.
2 drivers threatened to quit after being given new trucks with autoshifts. They are old school truck drivers. Most everyone that drives them all say they are turds. It doesn't help they all have MX13s in front of them. There will never be an autoshift on our farm.
Mitchco | |