Denmark | on my dads, then mine and now my sons farm.
1956: My dads first combine a MH 890. I am at the controls and dad closely watching one of the first days in barley.
Steep learning curve ahead.
1958: Dad bought one more, a MF 890S. Both at work here in Yellow Mustard.
1963: Traded for 2 Claas SFM. Here is one of them in barley in 1967.
1970: Traded for 2 Claas Senator. Her is one in Caraway seed.
1976: Traded for 1 Claas Dominator 105. Going in Red Fescue here.
1987: Traded for 1 Claas Dominator 108 SL. Here In spinach.
In Fescue.
Quitting time. Moon comes up and the dew is getting heavy.
2021: After 35 years and about 5000 hours time has come to part. Here it is ready to travel to its new home, a farm in Sweden.
2021: My son harvesting mini turf Bluegrass with his new to him NH CX 8090.
(64.Byg 1956 (full).jpg)
(Mustard 1959 (full).jpg)
(Byghoest 1967, 1 (full).jpg)
(Kommen ca. 1972 (full).jpg)
(Do 105, roedsv. hoest 1976 (full).jpg)
(DCP_2644 (full).JPG)
(DCP_1807 (full).JPG)
(Fyraften (full).jpg)
(Good by (full).jpg)
(Bluegrass 3 (full).jpg)
Attachments ---------------- 64.Byg 1956 (full).jpg (158KB - 407 downloads) Mustard 1959 (full).jpg (75KB - 389 downloads) Byghoest 1967, 1 (full).jpg (106KB - 397 downloads) Kommen ca. 1972 (full).jpg (114KB - 388 downloads) Do 105, roedsv. hoest 1976 (full).jpg (121KB - 383 downloads) DCP_2644 (full).JPG (176KB - 383 downloads) DCP_1807 (full).JPG (147KB - 380 downloads) Fyraften (full).jpg (104KB - 379 downloads) Good by (full).jpg (107KB - 365 downloads) Bluegrass 3 (full).jpg (91KB - 417 downloads)
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