Central Indiana | GrainTrader - 10/1/2023 08:56
If things go well and the last 3.4’s are ready, all we will have left before Thursdays rain is 30’AC of beans after first cutting hay. We are about the same way and usually just plant 2-4 boxes of something past a 3.2 for a little diversity of maturity. Have only had a couple recent years when the later maturity was our best. But I have a neighbor who plants 3.6-3.8’s and has had tremendous yields with them, but I probably won’t start planting anything that late anytime soon. We have some 22-25% corn with the Hand tester. (The 22% is first planted 109 day that didn’t get fungicide)
I talked to a friend from Sheridan yesterday and he said he had been cutting 65-75 Bu beans, another friend from Arcadia/Atlanta area thought before harvest he was going to have poor yields in Hamilton Co but good yields in Tipton Co. I haven’t talked to him since they started though.
I’m with you on that. Just been stuck too many times with mornings like this last week where the fog doesn’t burn off until noon and then it rains and rains every other day. Doesn’t make for real fun bean cutting. Those yields for Sheridan sound very impressive. There’s some rougher ground in those areas that don’t benefit from dry stretches. I’m just 4 miles from Atlanta area so I would most likely know who your friend is. Small world indeed. We just shelled 60 acres of April 14th planted corn Brevant 109 day no fungicide. Moisture anywhere from 22-24%. Fields went 225, 238, and 245 dry. Pretty pleased with that for what they’ve been through. Next beans are 2.5s just east of Kokomo. Probably start in on them tomorrow if we get moved up today |