New London, Wisconsin | I have a grass runway under part of my pivot and as you can imagine, I need that VERY smooth. I land at about 65 mph with tires about a foot tall and can't feel any pivot tracks at all. There are 7 tracks over the 2400 feet of runway. Three things helped. Wider that standard tires on the pivot, Low gallon nozzles at the towers, and it was sodded pretty well when I started watering. It does rut in the corn and beans some, not enough to affect bean or corn harvest. There are no ruts at all on the runway. My max water rate has been .55 per pass on the sands and about .35 on black clays. That has worked well on these soils. I like the variable rate capability. This is my 9th year doing this. My first attempt to reduce flow over the wheels was with a direction nozzle. That didn't work well as traces of sand in the water ate that in sort order making it not work. Simply reducing flow there helped the most.
Jim | |