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Tire chain recommendation needed
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Posted 9/24/2023 22:30 (#10415072)
Subject: Tire chain recommendation needed

Chih, Mexico
Planning a +2,000 mile family trip up to Denver for new year and then go to Telluride area for about a week to meet a bigger group and spend a week in a rented cabin.

Vehicle to take is a 2013 4wd Suburban with fairly new 275/55R20 Bridgestone Dueler H/L All Season tires

Having some experience of spending a winter up in Canada driving a smaller FWD car but would consider myself a new driver to drive on ice/snow conditions yet, driving along I70 which I have read is really icy and would like to get a set of chains if conditions do get slippery which is very likely to happen

Is this a chain that you’d recommend?

Or what should I buy to possibly not use or use once and then might not have an use for for another 5-10 years?

Edited by johnm94 9/24/2023 22:56

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