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How dry is it - unrolling hay in Sept
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Posted 9/14/2023 21:15 (#10402002 - in reply to #10401013)
Subject: RE: How dry is it - unrolling hay in Sept

Like anything else rings require some management, where I outwinter using rings I can drag it in the spring using a springtooth drag, I do not think that is excessive waste, but I go out there most days and fork in what they pull out. The style of the ring makes a difference, they need vertical bars, mine have 18 spaces on a 8 foot feeder, my new feeders are 52 or 54 inches tall, this also helps. If you are going to unroll bales I would think that it better be grass, i can't see how they are going to get the leaves from a bale of alfalfa. Jim, you need to wean those calves yesterday if they are not, that will dramatically lower the amount of feed your cows need. If you have not culled out at least the bottom 20 % of the herd and anything that looks at you wrong, now is the time, if you have to sell cattle the sooner the better, saves more days of feed for the ones you have left, sure you already know most of this.
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