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Labor unions - UAW's demands
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Posted 9/4/2023 23:20 (#10388886 - in reply to #10388880)
Subject: RE: Labor unions - UAW's demands

Newguy - 9/4/2023 23:09
Clay SEIA - 9/4/2023 22:48

BShauler - 9/4/2023 15:01 I don't think most farmers work 32 hours a week. And they are making more than the union workers.

There are some, but they are probably standing on the shoulders of somebody who was working 92 hours a week 90 years ago...

There's some fuzzy math with self-employment, too.   If I have to go to town to get a set of tractor batteries, but while I'm there I also go to the grocery store that's a block away from the parts store to get stuff for dinner tonight, and stop at the Dairy Bar for a milkshake, and get something to fix a shower curtain to maintain happy wife/happy life, and get a new collar for the puppy that outgrew his first one, how much of that is really for the farm?   But it would be pretty stupid to drive 20 extra miles instead of doing it all at once.   

The other fuzzy is while some farmers and some employees are “off”. One of them is setting up for the next day, (calling millwritghts, electricians, chemical suppliers, sales guys, bankers, accountants, land owners, mechanics). The others may or may not be drinking at the bar.

Well, that's fuzzy too.   There's an awful lot of times that I go to the bar and figure out what we are going to do tomorrow with my tire guy or chemical/fertilizer peoples or electrician or landowner.  Lots of business gets done after dark in small town beer/burger joints.   

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