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Posted 8/27/2023 20:24 (#10378486 - in reply to #10377890)
Subject: RE: Tires

Lots of misinformation out there about split rims vs. lock ring rims....
Technically what you have isn't a split rim. Its a lock ring rim and they are pretty safe. The Firestone split rims (aka-widowmakers) mentioned above are basically time bombs waiting to go off and kill you.
The lock ring rims are most dangerous when you're actually changing the tire on the rim because you have to make sure the ring groove is clean and the ring is properly seated as you air up the tire. Once the tire is mounted and inflated the danger is minimal, no more so than any other tire is at rated pressure.
If I understand your question, your trailer has new tires and you want to run them but are concerned about the rims?
If it was my trailer, I'd run what was on there, mount new tires on the spares, and roll on.
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