Mount Vernon, WA | You need to find someone who knows what they're doing. If I were working on it I would be recording my regen attempt and analyzing the data after the fact to see what went wrong. Attached is one example from a PACCAR engine that I tested a while back.
As you can see, I'm monitoring temps on both sides of the DOC as well as looking at fuel dosing rate and pressures. The lines tell the complete story. You can see the fuel doser pressure spiking up and down as the ECM exercises the injector and shutoff valves, and then you can see it begin to command fuel dosing. Soon afterwards you can see the temps after the DOC start to spike upwards. Also note that dosing began at around 500ish degrees.
Note that just because the ECM thinks it's injecting fuel, that's not necessarily happening. If the graph were to show fuel dosing occurring (allegedly), and yet the temperatures before and after the DOC stay the same, then I'll assume the fuel doser is not passing fuel for some reason and then I'll do a doser quantity test.
I'm sorry to hear you wasted good money on a set of injectors, as I would have been one of the more vocal people telling you that it was not the problem. Knowledge is power. Again, find someone competent.
(regen (full).png)
Attachments ---------------- regen (full).png (68KB - 49 downloads)
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