Boone Co. Iowa | What do you think your corn will yield across all acres? Based on my lawn and sweet corn, we will definitely be above average and APH. But I did walk into a field yesterday that got hail damage from Saturday/Sunday rain….
Walking in the field, not all that impressed either. I did bump up my population and planted everything at 35,500, previously around 34,000 on average.
Counting 14, 16 and a few 18 around, and lots of variation on ear length.
I think I will see variation across hybrids, soils, etc. But nothing drowned out which always helps yield…..
Getting rain here as I speak, recent moisture will help this crop finish strong….
I don’t know. Lots of corn on corn acres here. Lots of guys continue with corn on corn ($5.91 insurance price helps), but talked to a farmer who said is is quitting corn on corn. Too many corn root worms. Seems like that $5.91 clouded decision-making (mine included). | |