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Triticale Hay 2023 Pics
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Posted 8/2/2023 11:51 (#10341471)
Subject: Triticale Hay 2023 Pics

Elk Horn, IA
Wrapped up our triticale hay a couple weeks ago that we seeded in April about 100-120 lbs to the acre, long story short things are changing with this farm (more on that at a later date) and I decided to stock up on hay instead of row crop it. Spread about 50# of N in May with hardly any rain that month. Triticale stopped growing about 4-6" tall and the foxtail caught up, come first part of June we caught some very timely rains and the N finally got washed in and the trit took off. Yes I'm well aware the trit is way to mature but due to some family stuff it just had to be that way, last field that got mowed was just at the tail end of dough stage with the bulk of the other fields being in full soft dough. Was able to cure and bale two days after mowing except the last field the dang haze really cost us some drying time. Feeling very fortunate that the grass took off like it did because it made some awesome mixed hay. Yield was about 4 bales to the acre. Believe me Garvo I would love to have chopped it all and stuffed it in the pit, but futures uncertain for us at the moment so cured hay in the barn just made more sense. Should mix well with some corn silage come fall, Hope you caught some rain last night we had about 1.75" at the farm.

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