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New Drone -first impressions
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Posted 7/2/2023 13:35 (#10298137)
Subject: New Drone -first impressions

Central Alberta
I've had a DJI Mini 3 Pro for about a week now, So far, I like it. It's quiet, very stable and has a very good camera.
Best of all, it comes in under 250 grams, so I don't need a Canadian drone pilot's license.

I can get about 25 minutes flying time out of it, and they sell a bigger battery that's supposed to give you 47 minutes.
My only complaint is the outrageous costs. But compared to a few years ago, they have come down a lot.

I spotted 3 deer on our land, and got some good shots of them without getting too close. They didn't run away, so I don't think I broke any laws about harassing wildlife. The 4K video lets you examine them better at home on your computer screen. But I think they have gotten wise to the drone, and I haven't seen them since.
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