| oldtiger - 6/28/2023 19:47
AI if you must, but I'm with NCAL. Why folks with a few cows want to make things so complicated, I'll never understand. You most likely need a bull anyway, unless you get real lucky. Turn the bull in for 30 days (2 heats) and call it good. Won't have to worry about the headgate or paying the tech
Not understanding the 2 heats in 30 days, she has to be in heat the first week to get 2 heats unless you are assuming that he is synching them, IMO with just 2 cows if you are going to use a clean-up a bull just use him and be done. Get a good mineral to feed (needs to be for a couple of months before breeding, preferably year around) if they are gaining weight and not overly fat any bull not shooting blanks should get them pregnant in 21 days why complicate things with shots and hormones, mother nature can do it herself plenty well and has for centuries . If you want to go AI do the mineral thing observe and record heats so before the breeding season if possible so you know when to expect them in heat so you can watch closer and breed them. With 2 cows it should be pretty apparent when they come in heat if you know what is normal behavior. |