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AI Only Vs Ai & Clean Up Bull
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Posted 6/28/2023 19:48 (#10292132 - in reply to #10292053)
Subject: RE: AI Only Vs Ai & Clean Up Bull

Because it’s two head, which any bull worth having nuts can breed 2 synchronized cows without missing, so if you are going to pay to use him for cleanup anyway there’s very little you will gain by using frozen semen instead of his fresh put in at exactly the right time if your two cows end up being 6 hours off of each other. Timed AI results are evaluated in the average percentages, so with such a small sample size one cow on each end of the statistical bell curve means you missed them both and calve later than you want.

IMO only if you needed registered progeny out of a particular sire to qualify for a specific marketing program would the AI service gain you an economic advantage. The market scenario you described would need a larger number of cows to pay for the effort or forego leasing the bull and try and heat detect a recycle to have an advantage. This is assuming the bull is at least average or even slightly below average for growth and carcass traits

And I don’t hold herd size against anyone, but for some management tactics it makes a difference whether they are worth applying or not. Hope I explained that where it makes sense, I do believe synchronization and AI are valuable tools in commercial herds as well as registered, but in commercial herds the synchronization is more valuable than what bull you use.
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