NE South Dakota Clark, SD | My biggest problem with getting Trimble through your CNH dealer is how long will the precision tech that knows it be there. I have tried to help numerous clients that bought CNH branded Trimble products from their local 100+ location dealer only to have the only tech that knew anything leave in a year or 2. The new tech that comes in gets sent to CNH tech training that does not include any rebranded Trimble as that is separate schooling that does not come OEM in anything CNH branded. They need to have someone on staff for the OEM side, but hate to send a new guy to more schooling when they need them working.
Having an Ag Leader dealer an hour away is pretty close in my opinion. I have many clients hundreds of miles away that I support and a couple that are a thousand miles away. They understand the time zone differences and lack of onsite support and we get along great. I even do a little tech support in Australia with 14 hour time differences, They appreciate my help and work with me on my time schedule. It doesn't hurt that I am a night owl.
I see more problems with Trimble yield data than any other brand and it has a pretty small market share in my opinion. Ag Leader and PP for aftermarket work great. Factory CNH and JD also work great for yield. Probably the biggest positive is Ag Leader can do everything you want to do in a single monitor. PP is missing steering and possibly dry fert application. They may be able to do dry, but I have no clients using it if available.
Unless you need RTK for vertical control, the satellite based high accuracy systems from pretty much every brand have gotten pretty good on the steering side. Digifarm is also a good RTK option for most of SD. I think dealer radio RTK towers will be gone in not too many years and most of them don't work with anything but CNH/Trimble and JD receivers. I don't sell any of the products you listed, but end up working with them and pretty much everything else as part of my job. |