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Polaris ranger or a Honda pioneer side by side
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Posted 4/28/2023 10:07 (#10206867 - in reply to #10206523)
Subject: RE: Polaris ranger or a Honda pioneer side by side

North Dakota
I know you didn’t ask for it but I went through this a couple of months ago. Was looking for a pioneer 1000 for several months and dealers kept wanting to play games. Nothing available and wanting you to get on lists. Then people were buying people’s places on the list that were closer to the top.

Found a local Kawasaki dealer that wasn’t playing those games. Didn’t let people know something was in until they stopped buy or it was posted on his website. Watched and saw a Mule Pro FXR come in. So far so good. Will see if it holds up over time.

Edited by north1 4/28/2023 10:08

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