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Are Polaris Rangers really made for farm use?
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Posted 4/11/2023 08:17 (#10181874 - in reply to #10181853)
Subject: RE: Are Polaris Rangers really made for farm use?

NW Missouri
People rag on rangers all the time on here. I get along good with mine. Granted, it takes some repairs, but it does take a lot of abuse on our farm. I wonder if the 570s use lighter components than the 900s and 1000s? My 1000 has 13k miles on it and we've generally gotten along good with it. If the dealers service guy says there's mud where there shouldn't be, I'd find a new dealer. Thats about the most pathetic excuse for disallowing a warranty claim that I've ever heard. Yes, they do get muddy, and nearly all of them have been stuck at one time or another.
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