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Weight loss/diet help
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John Burns
Posted 1/6/2023 06:32 (#10024876 - in reply to #10024669)
Subject: RE: Weight loss/diet help

Pittsburg, Kansas
I think it was a tremendous amount of luck that my wife and I both reached the conclusion at the same time that we were tired of being fat and sick. Us both going into it together I give a high degree of our success. A person can do it alone, but having the partner of the same mind makes things so much easier to keep each other on track.

My wife is also a wonderful cook. She used to bake loads of cookies, hand made candies, etc around holidays. Even though I was diabetic and knew I shouldn't, I just could not help but "taste" once in a while, or "there!, a broken one not suitable for public consumption" (as she was making 98% of the stuff for someone other than ourselves).

Finally when she and I got on board with low carb she rarely ever does that stuff any more. Oh, once in a while for a dinner or something she will still make conventional hand made pasta she learned in cooking school in Italy (but neither of us eat it - she will taste just enough to make sure it is correct). But for the most part, everything she makes is now low carb (makes low carb lasagne that is great - most people don't even know it is low carb and not conventional). She found a recipe for a low carb Itallian creme cake (made with modified chaffles) that was fantastic. I think it had a couple teaspoons of honey (for serving 8 I think) so it had just a hint of sweet and was not zero carb but extremely low compared to conventional Itallian creme cake. I'm a big desert fan and she provides me a small desert almost every night. But it is always VERY low sugar and carb amount. For example 85% chocolate does have a small amount of sugar in it (but much less compared to milk chocolate) and the amount she uses per serving is minimal. But I am getting off on a tangent....................

Point is, a person does not have to completely deny themselves of all eating pleasures when going low carb. It just takes a different mindset and converting a person's taste buds to appreciate the smoothness and mouth feel of fatty taste rather than the sweet taste of sugar. It takes a while, but sweets no longer hold any power over me.

Edited by John Burns 1/6/2023 06:41
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