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Colin ?
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Posted 1/3/2010 12:15 (#1000809 - in reply to #1000239)
Subject: Re: Colin ?

I've tried to stay out of this for 2 days now and can do so no longer. These posts should probably be in the boiler room. Woe is me.

Some of you need to reread your bibles. Especially the parts about forgiveness, ministering, and bearing witness. All this guy did was read something that piqued his non-believing mind and asked some questions. Then the flood gates opened, the lynch mob formed, and all you hear is "grab the rope boys we gonna have us a lynching." This was a great opportunity to read his views and minister, but most wanted to lynch right away. A few on here did try to minister and witness, but the vast majority went straight for the jugular.

Like others have said, I have enough things I have done to answer for when I cross the great divide to be worrying about anyone else. I am a long ways from being sin free. I do believe there is 1 God whose son was crucified for my sins. My bible tells me that that belief and salvation alone is enough to earn me a place in heaven, maybe a lowly one, but a place.

Do I go to church every Sunday. No. Do I pray everyday. Yes in my own way.

I will say that I have met more crooks, drunks, and womanizers in church than I have ever met in the world. Most of the crooks and womanizers are the ones in the pulpit preaching to me about how I am going to hell, but they lack the capacity to follow their own teachings. I have seen churches split over feuds time and time again when one faction or the other doesn't get their way on some topic (my folks were in the middle of some of these). I've seen preachers split entire congregations either over greed or some faction not agreeing with them. I've seen some parishioners vote against something the preacher wanted only to have the pastor at his house a few minutes after the meeting to rake them over the coals (my FIL whose anger could get the better of him and was going to sue me one time over money).

My church when growing up spent 1 whole summer preaching how we should hate all other religions that weren't Southern Baptist (there was some baptist brain washing program going around that summer and I am sure others heard the same thing). The only religion mentioned that was somewhat tolerable was Methodists which is Baptist under a different name. and ceremonies. Catholics seemed particularly threatening for some reason and were grouped in with Mormans and Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't agree that I have to talk to the Pope to talk to God (he is a man just like the rest of us) and I abhor their protection of child rapists, but as far as I know most Catholics worship the same God I do (and there are some in my family).

I thank God he has given me the capacity for free thought so I can step back and try to see some else's views. I don't agree with a lot of other religions (or parts of them) but it is not my place to judge when someone doesn't agree with me (I think the bible says something about this also). Disagreement is an opportunity for discussion and witnessing.

Where is the edict stating that only Southern Baptist (or any other religion) is the only correct one and everyone else is on the expressway to hell? Some are so far out in left field it is pretty obvious, but to set in church for a month and all you hear is that everyone who doesn't belong to your religion is doomed is insane. There is one God and many ways to worship him.

I've stuck my neck out now so flame away.

Edited by Cowpoke 1/3/2010 12:21
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