Litchfield MN. | I don't want Colin to quit with the religion thing. I enjoy hearing a different perspective and the debates that go on because of it. A debate should not be about winning or losing, it's about stating your position and defending it. That's what our country also stands for--the freedom to express yourself no matter what your side is.
I am an Espicopalian who has read Freud, Jung, Ayn Rand and lately Alexander Shaia. They have challenged my thinking and helped me with my relationship with God. Yes, I still believe but do carry a different perspective about the Bible itself than a conservative Christian would. I still proudly call myself a Christian, though and enjoy going to church not to please God but to enjoy the mystery and sanctity of the service itself.
Thank you Colin for your willingness to share and question. I would encourage you to keep doing it--religion and all.:)
Mrs. Fefernuse, who is married to a very conservative Christian. We have discussed our different views throughout our 26 + year marriage always going to bed peacefully, knowing we're never going to change each other's mind anyway.
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