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Good and Bad of JD 8530
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Posted 8/22/2012 10:07 (#2552552)
Subject: Good and Bad of JD 8530

Thinking of buying a JD 8530 with 2000hrs. Has IVT, 1500 series front axle, auto steer ready. Looking for input on reliability, power, fuel usage, and other concerns you guys have had with them. Thanks in advance..
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Posted 8/22/2012 10:39 (#2552594 - in reply to #2552552)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

Central Texas Panhandle
Mine has 3000 hours now and I got it new. I love the tractor and have put all but a few hundred of the hours on it myself. Really the only major work it has had is the engine fan drive PIP. It switches the variable speed sheave oil from using engine oil over to hydraulic oil. I have put one steering wheel position sensor in almost one year ago. Only other problems were sensors on the bottom of the transmission and hydraulic filter housing. Ended up being caused by driving through really tall cotton stalks last harvest. Only normal maintenance besides that and I have kept it up by the book. Really like the tractor and it is much more gentle on fuel than the 8760 it replaced. I have to say it either has more power or is better at using the power it has for what I use the tractor for. It needs plenty of rubber to use the power in my conditions. I am running front duals and a decent amount of weight front and rear. If I could find another 8530 or 8345R for what I paid for this one, I wouldn't hesitate. Prices have gone up so much, my 85 has really held its value well.
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Posted 8/22/2012 10:44 (#2552611 - in reply to #2552552)
Subject: RE: Good and Bad of JD 8530

What do you want to do with it? On that big of a tractor I think you would be missing out not having ILS.
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Posted 8/22/2012 10:56 (#2552627 - in reply to #2552611)
Subject: RE: Good and Bad of JD 8530

BTW, WTfarmer covered most things and we love ours.

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Posted 8/22/2012 13:23 (#2552791 - in reply to #2552552)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

West Texas
Not sure on an 8530 but we have an 8430. Not much difference except ours has ILS and a PS tranny.
Don't think I'd want one without ILS/active seat.
They love fuel, 10 hrs a day on a full tank is it if it makes it that long when pulling. When not pulling hard they are ok.

Our 8430 has had fan issues 4 different times now other then the fan PIP.. Twice within the last month. It has 4300 hrs. Last 2 times it had issues it had to go to the dealer, last time it had to be hauled as it was spewing hydraulic oil all over the place. Yes, the fan speed is controlled via hydraulics.

And it's a small cab for a 6ft driver.
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Posted 8/22/2012 13:25 (#2552792 - in reply to #2552552)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

haskell county, ks
have a 3000 hr one also, but would not be very interested if didn't have ils. been amazed at fuel efficiency on light jobs like corn planting. very good tractor. need to keep maintenance up such as fuel filters, etc. probably a little more sensitive to good maintenance than older tractors.
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Posted 8/22/2012 14:58 (#2552881 - in reply to #2552552)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

Leesburg, Ohio
Fan Drive pip, manifold and manifold rings and gaskets. Pulls better than Cat Challenger 75 that it replaced. Really like the ILS. Would prob give up IVT before ILS. Don't get it w/o front duals and lots of cast iron.
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Posted 8/22/2012 15:38 (#2552912 - in reply to #2552552)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

Hale, CO
All 8530's came with IVT andILS no choice. Have 2 8530's wouldnt hesitate to buy another if I could!
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Posted 8/22/2012 15:49 (#2552917 - in reply to #2552912)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

Agriman - 8/22/2012 14:38

All 8530's came with IVT andILS no choice. Have 2 8530's wouldnt hesitate to buy another if I could!

I knew IVT and I thought ILS also but didn't want to question the OP.
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snsw no till
Posted 8/22/2012 15:55 (#2552922 - in reply to #2552552)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

far sNSW , Australia
Local 8530 with 10000 hrs is on its 3 rd IVT. 2nd one was from JD and only lasted 1000 hrs. JD replaced it for nothing. Not sure what it was doing. Been traded in for a Fendt.
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Posted 8/22/2012 16:56 (#2552971 - in reply to #2552552)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

Thompson ND / Grand Forks ND
You could deduct the ILS from base and get the 1500. Almost traded one in like that accidentally.
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Posted 8/22/2012 16:59 (#2552973 - in reply to #2552971)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

JD_Joe - 8/22/2012 15:56

You could deduct the ILS from base and get the 1500. Almost traded one in like that accidentally.

Are you saying they are not very desirable?
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Posted 8/22/2012 19:11 (#2553146 - in reply to #2552552)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

If your worried about fuel we ran our 8530 and 8400 side by side both pulling 15 knife nh3 bars sidedressing corn and the both used virtually the same amount of fuel. If I rember right it was 3/4 gal per acre. The computer on the 8530 had it going through the field at 1500rpms and we dialed the 8400 down to 2000rpms both tractors running 5.3 mph through the corn. I'm not a fan of running that low of rpms but thats how they say to run them???
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Posted 8/22/2012 20:49 (#2553313 - in reply to #2552973)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

Just want the tractor mainly for 40 ft air drill, light tillage, and maybe spray with it. I know it is more power than I need but the price seems to be right. Does not having ILS make the tractor that less attractive to people?
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Posted 8/22/2012 20:55 (#2553328 - in reply to #2553313)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

drewh - 8/22/2012 19:49

Just want the tractor mainly for 40 ft air drill, light tillage, and maybe spray with it. I know it is more power than I need but the price seems to be right. Does not having ILS make the tractor that less attractive to people?

Yes, without ILS, it would hurt the value quite a bit. Since it is standard, most would expect it. ILS is a $17,000. option.

Edited by Wheat77 8/22/2012 21:00
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Posted 8/22/2012 22:10 (#2553565 - in reply to #2553146)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

John Burleson Hyde County, North Carolina
whats wrong with low rpms....say planting? I've got friends who plant with 85's and run them less than 1500...also have another friend who plants with an 8420 and it sounds like the thing is about to blow up...runs it over 2000 rpms.
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Posted 8/22/2012 22:21 (#2553617 - in reply to #2553565)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

Greenleafagronomy - 8/22/2012 21:10

whats wrong with low rpms....say planting? I've got friends who plant with 85's and run them less than 1500...also have another friend who plants with an 8420 and it sounds like the thing is about to blow up...runs it over 2000 rpms.

It seems to be a difference in gear selection, left up to the operator, the tractor will obey.
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Posted 8/22/2012 22:26 (#2553642 - in reply to #2553565)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

We always used to plant at low rpms until these newer planters came out with all the hydraulics and then it was recomended that we keep the tractors over 2000rpms. Back to sidedressing nh3, I guess I was raised to keep the rpms up when we were really working a tractor right or wrong old habits are hard to break.
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Posted 8/22/2012 22:30 (#2553652 - in reply to #2553565)
Subject: Re: Good and Bad of JD 8530

Greenleafagronomy - 8/22/2012 21:10

whats wrong with low rpms....say planting? I've got friends who plant with 85's and run them less than 1500...also have another friend who plants with an 8420 and it sounds like the thing is about to blow up...runs it over 2000 rpms.

If they are both IVT I am betting the 84 has not had the min rpm lowered to 1500.
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Posted 8/23/2012 00:01 (#2553946 - in reply to #2552912)
Subject: Not all

Huntley Montana

I was looking at 8530s last fall & found a couple without ILS

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