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Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys
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Posted 1/31/2010 21:19 (#1051576)
Subject: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

west Tennessee
Ok ... heres a broad question. I need some type of land leveler. We dont grow rice, or furrow irrigate. just need to fill in low places in fields ,take out some high spots etc on bottomland fields that just dont drain well andare nearly level anyway...

I cant really get up and down the roads or intofieldentrances with a really plane,but I have seen some narrower machines with four large tires like motorgrader tires, I think the ones I have seen were made by Rome maybe? maybe even reynolds? theone im looking for is much heavier built than most of what i see in arkansas sales...I go to tons of arkansas and mississippi auctions looking for one like this but cant come across one.

My next question is exactly what do i need? I see lots of wide lightweight lookingplanes or floats made by various maufactures but dont really understand what the different types are and what their uses are?

If anyone has anypictures tohelp explain thedifferent types and brandsit would be greatly appreciated. Iknow where one is like the one im trying to describe,maybe I can get a picture of it to post on here tomorrow...
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Posted 1/31/2010 21:31 (#1051619 - in reply to #1051576)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Try this
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Posted 1/31/2010 21:36 (#1051640 - in reply to #1051619)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Crawfordsville, Arkansas
Scott makes one also. We have a Purdy P80 and its a heck of a leveler. Looks like its built out of scrap iron but it does a great job and is better than a Scott in my opinion.

Wards makes one also. They advertise in the Delta Farm Press paper almost weekly.

Edited by Detroit 1/31/2010 21:36
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Posted 1/31/2010 21:38 (#1051647 - in reply to #1051576)
Subject: RE: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Brinkley, Arkansas

Is this what you're talking about?



Or something similar to this.

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Posted 1/31/2010 21:43 (#1051663 - in reply to #1051576)
Subject: If you really want to fillsmall holes, and cut some ridges...

Wheatley, Arkansas
I would highly recommend one of these, with a satellite control on it.



Attachments DSCN0729.jpg (45KB - 1744 downloads)
Attachments DSCN0730.jpg (48KB - 1703 downloads)
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Posted 1/31/2010 21:48 (#1051680 - in reply to #1051647)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

west Tennessee
Rab.... Yeah that one in the bottom photo you posted is about what im talking about! real close! whats it called? and whats the difference in it and the lightweight wide units? tell me
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Posted 1/31/2010 21:51 (#1051687 - in reply to #1051663)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

west Tennessee
Les.... yeah I have a reynolds 15c... Looking forsomething more ore less I canput a hand on and let him run it.... dont have any one but my brother and I that couldrun a pan and even doing that id have to shoot alot of grades and set flags unless I wanted to add a laser... dont have really big enough ridges to need to run my pan...
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Posted 1/31/2010 21:55 (#1051701 - in reply to #1051647)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

west Tennessee
Rab... tell me what ur doing with that top machine, and in the middle picture?
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Posted 1/31/2010 21:56 (#1051704 - in reply to #1051680)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Brinkley, Arkansas
That is a Purdy P30 leveler. They're made in Dewitt, AR and are not cheap. Last I talked to Randy Purdy I think a new 60' was about $36000.

Like Detroit said above Scott Mfg. and Ward also make a very similar leveler. They're not as heavy but cost quite a bit less.

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Posted 1/31/2010 21:57 (#1051706 - in reply to #1051576)
Subject: RE: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Look at this site, it's a smaller "wheeled" land plane, 15' wide working width. Have one for sale.
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Posted 1/31/2010 21:58 (#1051707 - in reply to #1051701)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Brinkley, Arkansas
They're not my pictures. I grabbed them off the manufacturers website. The top one is a Nammco.
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Posted 1/31/2010 22:00 (#1051712 - in reply to #1051687)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Wheatley, Arkansas
You might be surprised at how much dirt it will take to fill a 2'' recession, or how much dirt a 2'' ridge will create. If your ridges and draws are much more that 30' across you will be a long time filling them with a plane. Most of the long levelers are for correcting the atrocious way we till soil in the south.

A P-30 or 80 will help over a period of years, but one pass or two will come up lacking IMO. You will also be surprised at the horse required to pull a bridge leveler over a ridge.
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Posted 1/31/2010 22:01 (#1051714 - in reply to #1051647)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Ethridge, TN
RAB, can you also explain more on the first one you have pictured. We have sort of the same problem as cottonfarmer on quite a bit of bottom ground. The spots I have are more of a pain in the rear trying to fill with the pan.

Now, how clean does the field have to be to make this work?? I mean is there any % of residue they can handle, or are we talking moldboard clean?? I know there are times I've been forced to take the pan into stalks, and I absolutely hate it till I can get rid of the stalks.
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Posted 1/31/2010 22:03 (#1051721 - in reply to #1051714)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Wheatley, Arkansas
The Nammco blade requires absolute clean soil. We demo'd one and couldn't ever get the dirt clean enough to run it.
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Posted 1/31/2010 22:14 (#1051753 - in reply to #1051706)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

west Tennessee
Les... and Rab... great info guys! And c2gleaner... thanks for the Purdy Link! I think I really need an education on land leveling! advantages and disadvantages of the length of the plane? Can you run these types of machines without lasers? i always assumed you could? I really dont know what i need to be honest... Ive got pleanty a tractors, and pleanty a horsepower.... just not a whole lot of time to run a leveler myself so I was hoping to find something a low tech hired hand could run after schooling him a lil bit. We currently run the pans ourselves building terraces, basins, deversions and the like and cant imagine ever puttting a hand on it even it was just to "hunk" dirt, much less to level a field.
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Posted 1/31/2010 22:16 (#1051761 - in reply to #1051640)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

west Tennessee
detroit... didnt mean to leave you out! thanks for the names im checking them out now.... i see your in crawfordsville, I remember seeing some levelers like i was looking for over there around the old lake bed at smokey alley one time
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Posted 1/31/2010 22:18 (#1051768 - in reply to #1051714)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

west Tennessee
Chris.... has anyone ever tried tiling ground in your area? or anywhere in TN? You and i have the same type of soils and field condititons level wise id say....
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Posted 1/31/2010 22:21 (#1051777 - in reply to #1051576)
Subject: RE: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

West Texas

Here is what most around here call a landplane.



A 100 miles north of here they call them a float. 


They are 24 ft wide. Always used after deep breaking and around fields in the early fall before planting wheat on the turn rows. 


Here a link to an out fit that did build them. Don't know if they still do or not.

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Posted 1/31/2010 22:27 (#1051792 - in reply to #1051576)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Huntley Montana
I don't know how to link , But maybe a EVERSMAN 2400. Might google artsway & they might have pic's
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Posted 1/31/2010 22:51 (#1051868 - in reply to #1051706)
Subject: RE: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Robzorbk - 1/31/2010 21:57

Look at this site, it's a smaller "wheeled" land plane, 15' wide working width. Have one for sale.

Email me I'm interested in your land plane
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Posted 1/31/2010 22:53 (#1051874 - in reply to #1051768)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Ethridge, TN
It hasn't been done on a pattern scale that I know of. They done some hodge-podge attempts at terraces, running inlet tiles to a ditch. But they where originally laid out for 12 row equipment, and there are spots that the 24R stuff we run just doesn't work real well. After coming out of what I ran up in the Ohio area, I think tiling will work, and could be used to get rid of alot of surface ditches that are pain in the rear. Put tiling comes with a price, that I haven't been able to quite get them convinced on yet. Maybe in time, but if I can somehow landplane what we do have, and get rid of some of these really shallow potholes.

I have run an Eversman Landplane with some pretty good success. Anyone know of any of those sitting around??
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Young Farmer 09
Posted 1/31/2010 23:01 (#1051892 - in reply to #1051792)
Subject: Nammco Land Grader?? What are they good for?

Belzoni, Mississippi
Our local Case dealer just got one of those Nammco graders in. I read the other guys post that said it didnt do good. I was wondering if anybody had anymore stories on them. Are they really a landleveler or just a big harrow?
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Posted 1/31/2010 23:12 (#1051914 - in reply to #1051576)
Subject: RE: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

nw kansas

What about this, we have one and I think it would do what you want.

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Posted 1/31/2010 23:55 (#1051985 - in reply to #1051721)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Crawfordsville, Arkansas
My neighbor has a Nammco like that and I don't think I've seen it move in 2 or 3 years. I think they would work great on land that was disked or field cultivated then had a good hard rain on it. I've ran just a regular 16x50 float on that type ground where the mudholes didn't get disked and was able to do a lot of good in filling them up.
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Posted 1/31/2010 23:57 (#1051989 - in reply to #1051753)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Brinkley, Arkansas
The longer the plane, the smaller the hill it will take down or valley it will fill.

Lasers are not necessary at all. I've seen hundreds of this type of plane in use an have never seen a laser operated one except in that picture. The long wheelbase tends to make the plane cut and dump in the proper spots without much driver intervention.
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Posted 2/1/2010 00:01 (#1051992 - in reply to #1051914)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Crawfordsville, Arkansas
Looks like a newer version of a "Eversman" and if he wants one of those all he has to do is come to AR and go to any farm in the rice growing area. There will be one sitting in the weeds. I finally cut ours up for scrap a few years ago but saved the wheel assembly to build a box scraper.
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Posted 2/1/2010 00:09 (#1052004 - in reply to #1051576)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

David I went looking for a simple fix to upkeep of in furrow irrigated land that could also improve rougher ground, I spent years building catfish ponds so buckets are familiar and have repaired our old reynolds plane till its more patch than machine. To the point I searched the archives on this site and found PurdyMfg in Dewitt Arkansas. I went over and met with the owner Randy Purdy who was decked out in a fire suit fabricating a P-30 when I arrived. He is a good man and builds a plane for a lifetime. He has delivered them all over the country and internationally. 3 18inch deep blades up to 22 ft wide all turn under for 12 ft transport. turn blades at 90' with deep cut and use all the horses you can find. Or angle the blades and shallow up the cut and a sub 200 hp unit will get along fine. My p30 is being built now and I am anxiously awaiting its arrival. I wanted something that wouldnt be warped and scrap yard bound anytime soon, I got the 60 ft model ( he has made a few 80 ft) weighs 18000 lb under $2,00/lb. My good friends with rice fields use this machine to take out the levees. You can put gps unit on it but its very effective thanks to its size with the mechanical control. You don't need yield mapping to see water problems too much and not enough that can be fixed with a big screed. Good luck contact me if you want to follow up after we drag it.
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Posted 2/1/2010 00:10 (#1052007 - in reply to #1051761)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Crawfordsville, Arkansas
Yep there's lots of them around me. Not a lot of the Purdy type machines though. We have a big Purdy and had a smaller Scott bridge type leveler but that thing was so wore out that I gave it to a neighbor. Tried selling it but never got any takers. In the early 2000's we farmed 2 different places 50 miles apart. I brought the Scott home one day and made it about halfway before disaster struck. I had pulled off the road in a farmers lot to clean my windows and started back into the road when the left front wheel assembly broke clean off! About that same time I saw my father coming up the road with a Donahue trailer carrying something. Turned out to be the center blade off the leveler. It had broke off about 10 miles back... We gathered up the pieces and came on home. I missed out on going back to fix it and bring it on home. Turned out that was good because it made it about 10 more miles then the back half knocked down a mailbox and a little further drug up some rocks in the road and knocked out the front windshield in a womans brand new car. I swear that Scott landplane had it out for us! My neighbor came and got it and hasn't moved it since. That was well over 4 years ago. As long as he doesn't bring it back I'm happy.
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Posted 2/1/2010 08:27 (#1052215 - in reply to #1051985)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Ethridge, TN
Would you have any pics of the float you are talking about, in use, or just sitting?? How do they work if you have some trash on the field?? This is the real problem, as we just don't clean till anything anymore, so trying to fill holes has really become a challenge. I've tried to use the pan we have, Garfield ejector, as a big box blade at times, and it's not bad if things are clean, but the least bit of trash, and your cutting a groove somewhere along the cutting edge. Next worse problem, is it seems I'm always in a hurry the day I do get a little time to work on some of this, so you get disgusted real quick when your going back over spots trying to feather out, and it's balling and making a mess. Plus the pan just isn't very wide, so lots of time involved.

I have just about thought we need to buy a plow, run fields we want to try and level, and just keep rotating around. Currently, the program is to rip cornstalks, BluJet Subtiller, summer points, and then follow that with a pass of either the 330 True Tandem, or the GP Turbo-till, depending if we need to move a little dirt. Following bean stubble, is a trip with the chisel plow followed by the 330. I come the closest to having clean dirt on the bean stubble side, but there can still be some trash showing. The thing with running a plow, I'd probably be the only one that could run it, telling on my age, but I'm probably the only one that has ever ran a plow before that works here.
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Posted 2/1/2010 08:30 (#1052220 - in reply to #1051874)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Ethridge, TN
I just happen to think this morning as I was looking at the calendar. You coming over to Clayton's sale at Finger by any chance?? I haven't fully decided if I'm going to waste a Saturday or not yet, but we might run into each other if you would happen to be there.
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Posted 2/1/2010 08:40 (#1052234 - in reply to #1051874)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

southeast Minnesota
we have eversman land levelers if anyone is intrested in buying one we've got 4 of them. only need one anymore.
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Posted 2/1/2010 13:48 (#1052667 - in reply to #1052220)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

west Tennessee
Chris... not sure if u were talking to me or not... I havent looked to see what Claytons got lined up yet... Doubt whether theres much id be interested in... who knows.
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Posted 2/1/2010 14:12 (#1052696 - in reply to #1051576)
Subject: RE: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

NW Missouri

We use a 20' Namco LFS to knock off ridges and a Scott 80' planer to finish leveling.  We use a laser on the Namco part of the time and other times we don't, either way you can move a lot of dirt with this.  Running the planer behind this allows the operater of the Namco to make a few minor mis cuts or fills.  Regardless of how we do it, it seems to take twice as much time as we planed.


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Posted 2/1/2010 16:23 (#1052838 - in reply to #1051892)
Subject: Re: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

I like mine, in my gumbo I disk it 2x run the landgrader and come in with 2 18' floats. Really puts it into shape it likes to run cloddy without much trash.
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Garrett Cassidy
Posted 1/23/2017 15:53 (#5788566 - in reply to #1051576)
Subject: RE: Land planes... levelers... floats... Arkansas or Mississippi guys

Here's the latest entrant into the land plane leveler market.
Heavy Duty 28' Blade with transport wheels to drive it between fields.

(2822 Flex (002).jpg)



Attachments 2822 Flex (002).jpg (98KB - 718 downloads)
Attachments 2822_flex_cutting_width.jpg (55KB - 731 downloads)
Attachments 2822_flex_transport.jpg (66KB - 676 downloads)
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