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Case 1070 - Good Bad or Ugly?
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Posted 3/23/2009 02:59 (#653367)
Subject: Case 1070 - Good Bad or Ugly?

Any thoughts? Anything special to look for or avoid?
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Posted 3/23/2009 05:25 (#653376 - in reply to #653367)
Subject: Re: Case 1070 - Good Bad or Ugly?

mid Illinois
My thoughts- a very cheap, light duty tractor. We bought ours new back in 1977. Motor originally had cheap pistons with no ring inserts, so not very many hours before an overhaul. (Ours made it to 2100 hours before overhaul) Rearend is basically a 930 with powershift added. Last time I changed the tranny oil in ours, pieces of gears fell into the bucket. It still runs and moves, but when it finally quits moving, it is going to the salvage yard as this piece of crap is not worth spending money on. Pretty sad to see a tractor with only 3500 original hours only good to go to salvage. Sure wish we bought a John Deere instead of this Case.
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Posted 3/23/2009 06:46 (#653396 - in reply to #653376)
Subject: Re: Case 1070 - Good Bad or Ugly?

The bit I know about them is if the rear end goes don't even think about fixing, all in junk yard are in the same condition.
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Jersey Jim
Posted 3/23/2009 07:22 (#653414 - in reply to #653376)
Subject: Re: Case 1070 - Good Bad or Ugly?

Are you planning on junking your 1070 soon? I updated the rearend and powershift in my 1978 1070 around the 4000 hour mark. The engine was good with 6200 hours until last fall at harvest when something decided to go bang. It runs pretty decent but the blowby is bad. I would like to find another engine for it.

I may be interested in yours depending on where you are located.

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Posted 3/23/2009 13:03 (#653684 - in reply to #653414)
Subject: Re: Case 1070 - Good Bad or Ugly?

mid Illinois
Not planning on junking it until it quits moving. We now only use it hauling wagons in the fall, and some mowing, so it may last several more years before quitting.
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Posted 3/23/2009 07:06 (#653408 - in reply to #653367)
Subject: RE: Case 1070 - Good Bad or Ugly?

If you avoid the white ones and the cream colored ones you should be all right.
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Larry in AB
Posted 3/23/2009 09:11 (#653497 - in reply to #653367)
Subject: Re: Case 1070 - Good Bad or Ugly?

Alberta, Canada
THe 1070/970's were a pretty good tractor. As mentioned you could have powershift and rear end issues depending on use, operators and the more hp they had (1170, 1270, 1370 etc) more trans problems. Around here there are still lots of 1070's around pulling round balers and such with over 10,000 hrs on them. THe engines as far as I know were not known to be weak. Maybe not as solid as the JD or IH of its time but we had pretty good luck with our old 970. I think I overhauled it at 7500hrs due to the oil use. The oil rings were all carboned up.

Like anything if its been "used up" you may want to avoid it. The engine is pretty cheap to overhaul and the powershift is easy to work on, however can be expensive if you need gears and shafts and such. The pto clutch comes out the back of the tractor which is also easy to work on. I've had the powershift out on my old 970 to reseal stuff in there and all the parts looked fine along with the clutches etc. after 30 some years of use. Ours has done mostly haying work for the majority of its life not a lot of pulling.

Edited by Larry in AB 3/23/2009 09:12
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Posted 3/23/2009 14:24 (#653759 - in reply to #653497)
Subject: Re: Case 1070 - Good Bad or Ugly?

Central MN
We have an 1170 with OUT the powershift and although its kind of a bulky tractor, it is quite a work horse. Does the one you are looking at have a power shift or standard trans? Surprisingly there are quite a few variations of these machines. Some are built extra heavy for some reason. We got lucky and purchased the heavier one so although a bit clumsy, in the field under pull its quite a machine. Not the fastest in high gear either so if your going to use it for a wagon puller might not be good. I don't know which versions had the 2 speed PTO but some (like ours) are easy to switch, pull a clip on the PTO shaft, turn around and place back in and you've switched PTo speeds. Kind of a handy feature.

They are relatively cheap so not a huge risk. Although I will guess that an engine rebuild will cost you about the same what you paid for the tractor. Not sure how strong the standard tranny is but we've never touched ours. I would NOT call thier cabs comparable to a JD "Soundguard".
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Larry in AB
Posted 3/23/2009 17:35 (#653936 - in reply to #653759)
Subject: Re: Case 1070 - Good Bad or Ugly?

Alberta, Canada
Yes those 1170's we known to be strong work horse with the standard trans and its rear end set up. Our 970 is going on 35 years now and still gets the most hrs per year out of our tractors. Has cut alot of hay in 35 years and baled alot of square bales! I Keep on thinking this thing is getting really old and I should up grade it but it keeps on going year after year.
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Posted 3/24/2009 04:35 (#654596 - in reply to #653759)
Subject: Re: Case 1070 - Good Bad or Ugly?

Funny, I thought the sale bill said powershift, but I guess it doesn't say. Is that a setup with a regular transmission and a sort of auxiliary 4 speed job? How would a guy go about determining if this was one of the heavier built ones that you're talking about? Beefier front axle or all around? Thanks for everyone's comments BTW, don't know much about these.
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Posted 3/26/2009 14:57 (#657563 - in reply to #654596)
Subject: Re: Case 1070 - Good Bad or Ugly?

Central MN
Chad, Not sure about exactly how one can determine the heavier ones from the lighter ones. I haven't been able to see it based on any codes in the model (ie 1170). But, if you start paying close attention you can notice slight differences. Heavier drawbars, three points and front axles. Maybe the tires in front might be a bit bigger too. I have also heard people say to look at the front grill. Some are fiberglass and some are solid cast iron. They look almost identical from a distance but one knock with your knuckles tells the diff. What I have heard is to stay away from models with fiberglass grill. No idea "EXACTLY" why.

Sorry to be so vague but when I ask the dealer about the diff they can't even give me a straight answer. All I know is every time I order a part (ie new front bearings), the give me the lighter set, then I have to go back and they say "Ohhh, you must have the heavy duty model". Yea, thanks for asking that FIRST.

Knowing what I know now, I would NOT buy a powershift one no matter what. If it had a standard trans I would be much more likely to consider it if the price was right (ie less than $6000).

Our trans is a 4 speed with a MANUAL high/low range. so it has 8 forward and 2 reverse. Shifts kinda tough and its not great for changing speeds "on-the-fly" while in the field etc.

I still really like the ol' girl even though she's a bit rough and kinda clumsy. We have dropped 6000 in the engine, new brakes and done some repainting etc. Purrs like a kitten and the turbo sings pretty sweet. And, she fires up on the first revolution.
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Posted 3/27/2009 05:40 (#658298 - in reply to #657563)
Subject: Re: Case 1070 - Good Bad or Ugly?

Thanks for the info.
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