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Bake adjustment old C60. How to on this style adjuster?
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School Of Hard Knock
Posted 3/16/2009 22:34 (#646898)
Subject: Bake adjustment old C60. How to on this style adjuster?

just a tish NE of central ND
I could use some pointers on my 73 c 60 chevy truck with the heavier drums(not bud wheels) that have two hydraulic cylinders per wheel. The fronts wheels have two cylinders per wheel but do not have the standard cog wheel devices to tightent the slack in the brake. They appears to have a stud head sticking out of the metal to adjust the brakes.Do you losen this bolt for adjustment or just how is that made?I had a shop install shoes a while back, but I seem to have way to much pedal so I intend to adjsut the slack out. But I have no experience with this sort of adjsuter and if I dont have to disasemble to figure it out, I wont. How does this work to adjust them and how its it make compared to the cog wheel tighteners that I am familiar with.?Is the bolt just an excentric or and you just turn the bolt stud or what?
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Posted 3/16/2009 23:15 (#646969 - in reply to #646898)
Subject: Re: Brake adjustment on old C60. How to on this style adjuster?

Winkler, Manitoba Canada
If it is the same as the C65 that we use to have there should be two adjusters per wheel. They essentially are as you describe an eccentric or cam that you adjust to keep the shoe closer to the drum. Basically you just turn on the stud to move the cam. It is easier if you jack up the wheel you are adjusting so you can tell what you are doing. I can't remember which way to turn to tighten it up. You will have to experiment.

Edited by WTW 3/16/2009 23:16
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School Of Hard Knock
Posted 3/17/2009 00:02 (#647020 - in reply to #646969)
Subject: Re: Brake adjustment on old C60. How to on this style adjuster?

just a tish NE of central ND
WTW - 3/16/2009 23:15

If it is the same as the C65 that we use to have there should be two adjusters per wheel. They essentially are as you describe an eccentric or cam that you adjust to keep the shoe closer to the drum. Basically you just turn on the stud to move the cam. It is easier if you jack up the wheel you are adjusting so you can tell what you are doing. I can't remember which way to turn to tighten it up. You will have to experiment.

What holds the studs tight? I dont see a locking nut on there.
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Posted 3/17/2009 00:20 (#647028 - in reply to #647020)
Subject: Re: Brake adjustment old C60. How to on this style adjuster?

Winkler, Manitoba Canada
Not sure what keeps it from moving on its own. I never took the wheel and brake drum off to look at it. I think the adjustment procedure was in the owners manual. You just turn the stud with a wrench. It didn't seem like it would move on it own.

Edited by WTW 3/17/2009 16:28
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Jon Hagen
Posted 3/17/2009 00:57 (#647062 - in reply to #647020)
Subject: By the book ;-)

Hagen Brothers farms,Goodrich ND
School Of Hard Knock - 3/17/2009 23:02

WTW - 3/16/2009 23:15

If it is the same as the C65 that we use to have there should be two adjusters per wheel. They essentially are as you describe an eccentric or cam that you adjust to keep the shoe closer to the drum. Basically you just turn on the stud to move the cam. It is easier if you jack up the wheel you are adjusting so you can tell what you are doing. I can't remember which way to turn to tighten it up. You will have to experiment.

What holds the studs tight? I dont see a locking nut on there.

The adjusting bolt has a heavy spring on it to serve as a friction brake. Take care when adjusting those brake cams, If you turn them the wrong way you can wreck the cam or lose all brake adjustment. Correct adjustment varies by year and brand, sometimes different from front to rear. I still have a 77 C65 with the op manual, if you cant find the info elsware, I will scan the instructions and post them here.

EDIT: Aw heck, it's a beautiful night, Ill walk out there and get the manual. Post the instructions in a bit. ;-)

The book says.

" Place a wrench on one adjusting cam stud, turn in the direction of wheel rotation, until brake drag is felt as wheel rotates. Turn cam in opposite direction until brake drag is relieved, then an additional 7 to 10 degrees(1-1/2 inches at the end of an 8 inch wrench). Adjust the second cam as directed above."
There, you got it right from the Chevy book. good luck :-).

Edited by Jon Hagen 3/17/2009 01:32
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School Of Hard Knock
Posted 3/17/2009 06:27 (#647135 - in reply to #647062)
Subject: RE: By the book ;-)

just a tish NE of central ND
Thanks guys for the help! I never had a manual with this truck so this really helps me save time taking it apaprt to see how it works.
Hey Jon , hows' the weather this morning! I see you were one of the first to enjoy St, Patrick's day weather under the stars! It feels darn good to be 32 above at night instead of 32 below F doesn't it?But things are getting sloppy!
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