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Quality Ford re-man engines?? 666T 401 ? TW.
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Posted 9/16/2018 22:41 (#6992077)
Subject: Quality Ford re-man engines?? 666T 401 ? TW.

N. Ohio
I may be in need of a re-man engine for a Ford 8700.
I believe the engine in it now is from a TW25.

The valve cover states it's a 666T BSD engine.
Which I believe is more commonly known as a 401 engine?

How many different variations of this 401 or 666T engines are there??

Can someone recommend a company that sells a QUALITY short or possibly long block?

I am familiar with RF engine but the last few 5.9s we've put it from them went the best so I'm skeptical about using them again.

Edited by Youngohioian 9/16/2018 22:41

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Posted 9/17/2018 07:08 (#6992339 - in reply to #6992077)
Subject: RE: Quality Ford re-man engines?? 666T 401 ? TW.

ag-industrial,tamaqua pa. used to have them,wenger's bought them out so don't know if things have changed,they had capabilities of rebuilding those engines in house and did a great job.
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Posted 9/17/2018 07:28 (#6992364 - in reply to #6992077)
Subject: RE: Quality Ford re-man engines?? 666T 401 ? TW.

Lone Wolf, Ok
BSD stands for Basildon series diesel. The parts departments were able to order 'drop' in engines complete. The issue,. It was the engine currently being produced. Hence things like intake/ exhaust manifold may not work. I don't have a chart,. But this should be 401 CID turbocharged engine.ill look later and see if I can find the chart. Old tractor dealers should be able to answer that.
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wht one
Posted 9/17/2018 12:05 (#6992803 - in reply to #6992077)
Subject: RE: Quality Ford re-man engines?? 666T 401 ? TW.

E. CO, exactly half way between NE and OK
You may check the new Holland dealer about the Gennis (sp) engine. I think it is what New Holland used in their tractors after they bought them from Ford. I think it is a new version of the 401 6.6 diesel. They are a good engine. I think the bolt pattern on the back of the two engines are the same.

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Posted 9/17/2018 18:21 (#6993265 - in reply to #6992803)
Subject: RE: Quality Ford re-man engines?? 666T 401 ? TW.

Lincoln County. NC
Genesis engines are not a drop in replacement for the original Basildon design. They may bolt up, but then the fun starts.
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wht one
Posted 9/17/2018 19:11 (#6993359 - in reply to #6993265)
Subject: RE: Quality Ford re-man engines?? 666T 401 ? TW.

E. CO, exactly half way between NE and OK
will the bell housing off a 6.6 bolt to the Genesis?
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Posted 9/17/2018 19:24 (#6993392 - in reply to #6993359)
Subject: RE: Quality Ford re-man engines?? 666T 401 ? TW.

Lincoln County. NC
wht one - 9/17/2018 20:11

will the bell housing off a 6.6 bolt to the Genesis?

I don’t know.
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Posted 9/17/2018 13:49 (#6992938 - in reply to #6992077)
Subject: RE: Quality Ford re-man engines?? 666T 401 ? TW.

I would find a 7.5 Gensis engine out of a NH Combine to put in its place.. I had a puller buy mine to put in his 9000.
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