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JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.
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Von WC Ohio
Posted 8/1/2018 10:34 (#6905332)
Subject: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

Anybody have a run down list of what things to look for and check for on a 9410 combine.

Any updates or PIPS that should have been done or addressed ?

Any other shortcomings or major problem/wear areas to look for ?

Was small vs big engine still a concern?

Unloading auger speed ? still full throttle with no middle speed ?

Any serial number break improvements to be aware of ?

What should it be worth say 98ish model and 3500ish hrs.

 What was needed to run corn beans wheat vs a corn and bean machine only.

Not really all that serious just keeping options open and seeing what is out there.

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Posted 8/1/2018 10:54 (#6905355 - in reply to #6905332)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

Pierce county WI
Except for length, I think physically they are the same size. I know you said you kept the 6620 so it fit in the shed. I'd go with the 9510. 3 position throttle, optional high horsepower. Haven't done anything real major to mine except the variable speed feeder house drive. And a couple sensors. It had been gone through by the dealer before I bought it. Nice upgrade from the 7720 t2 to the 9510.
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Posted 8/1/2018 11:26 (#6905408 - in reply to #6905355)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

I agree with Ryan, I ran a 9510 for 6 years, it was one of the best combines I've ever owned.

I ran a 6 row corn head and 25' platform on mine, did a nice job with both.

I think the straw walkers on a 94 are a little shorter than on a 95 if my memory is correct.
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Posted 8/1/2018 11:44 (#6905435 - in reply to #6905332)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

deep SW On.
Check walkers and walker crank play---excellent machines
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Posted 8/1/2018 12:10 (#6905476 - in reply to #6905332)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

would skip the 9410,  sort of a odd ball machine,  the 9510, 9610 were real popular. 

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Posted 8/1/2018 12:25 (#6905498 - in reply to #6905332)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

Hey Von

Sent ya an e mail, check if you get time


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Posted 8/1/2018 12:48 (#6905543 - in reply to #6905332)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

New Castle, PA
The walkers are a bit shorter than the 95's, but the 94's are still a very good machine. They were made to replace the 6620. There was some motor problems with the early 9400's but that was eliminated with the bigger engine. Since you currently use a 6620' I think you would be happy with a 9400 or 9410
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Posted 8/1/2018 13:08 (#6905579 - in reply to #6905543)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

A 9450 was a nice little machine
All the motor issues were pretty much cured by then
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Posted 8/1/2018 13:17 (#6905593 - in reply to #6905332)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

northwest ohio
Made this jump about 7 years ago....went from 6620 to 9410, 20ft table and 8 row corn others have stated, I would skip the 94 and go right to 95...besides comfort and wasn't much of a power upgrade from the old 6620....either route, 9410/9510 were excellent machines if maintained properly.

I now run a 9660sts, don't miss the 9410, but it was a great machine

Good Luck!
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Posted 8/1/2018 14:04 (#6905658 - in reply to #6905593)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

New Castle, PA
How did the 94 handle the 8 row head? I thought that would be a pretty big head for a 94 in good corn
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Posted 8/1/2018 14:40 (#6905694 - in reply to #6905658)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

northwest ohio
it was a 893, and it was plenty for that machine. had the "bigger lift" cylinder on the FH, and still lifted slow at idle.

The only reason for running 8 rows was because we grew popcorn for years, didn't have to drive as fast with 8 instead of 6

When we lost our popcorn contract and went back to field corn, it still handled it ok, about 3-3.3 mph max in 180-200 BPA corn...
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Posted 8/1/2018 16:57 (#6905842 - in reply to #6905694)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

Deckerville MI
We had a 97 model 9400 for one year. It was a gutless joke. The 50if anniversary sticker needed tits on each side. The 95 model we traded was a lot better. There was a emission change on the 97 reason for NO POWER.
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John e.c.MI
Posted 8/1/2018 18:37 (#6905983 - in reply to #6905332)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

Croswell, Michigan
I ran a 9400 for a long time, mine had the bigger motor and the ‘10’ series updates. I ran a 20’ flex and a 6 row corn head. I thought it was a nice machine.

The only tips I would give you is in beans ignore the book setting, crank up the cylinder speed until you split a few beans then just back it off enough until it quits. You will think you gained another 50 horse power over running at the book setting. Second, I would take the filler plates out and forget they ever existed. We ran corn, beans and wheat with ours and never had them in.

As others have said the 95 is probably a better option but not so enough to scare me away from a 9400. Other than the straw walkers and engine parts just about everything else is interchangeable between the two.

Edited by John e.c.MI 8/1/2018 18:37
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Posted 8/1/2018 19:46 (#6906093 - in reply to #6905983)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

I have a 94 -9400 , for 5 years now and it have treated me good so far.
Better than having to pay someone to put a good chunk of crop back on the field, or saying they will do it and not show up.
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Posted 8/1/2018 19:33 (#6906070 - in reply to #6905332)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

central Ia
Had a 1990 9400 combine and really liked it, came from a MF 750( and that was a very good low cost machine for me). Did have a final drive go out and a had an engine head crack but other than that a few bearings here and there and some augers but all just normal wear and tear. Had a 20 ft platform and a 643 corn head, it would bog down in heavy beans and wet corn 24%+ but didn't combine much corn that wet. Neighbor went from a 9400 to a 9410 and he has no complaints. If you find a nice 9410 but it good machine it will have the bigger motor, I had the 359 in mine but it had a new updated crankshaft in it and bottom end never gave me a problem. Unless the 9410 brakes are better the ones on a 9400 were junk always had problems with them adjusting up and getting tight, finally took out adjuster cable and didn't use the brakes unless I had too.

Edited by Ken 8/1/2018 21:06

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Attachments DSCF0057 (full).JPG (182KB - 112 downloads)
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Posted 8/1/2018 22:01 (#6906438 - in reply to #6905332)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

Beresford SD
We had a 9400 added a mid throttle speed built a gizmo to pull the throttle lever part way

Walkers and walker bearings and the walker drive gearbox need to be checked over. At 3500 hours most of the other stuff has likely happened, such as shoe cam bearings, feederhouse drum, unloader augers. Maintenance or lack of it would determine the value, I would guess at mid 20's. The conveyor augers underneath the concave are another chronic service item.

That being said a 9410 is a fine machine to run and can get a lot of work done for you.
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Posted 8/2/2018 06:17 (#6906700 - in reply to #6905332)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

sw corner ia.
look for a nice late 9500. there are a lot of them looking for a home and will save a bunch of cash over a 9510. no difference in productivity, but less electronic junk. these will be your best bang per buck.

I really love my old 9500sh, went from a 6620sh to this and it has been great. I use a 6r head and 25' table. there have been several advertised on nat classifieds lately.

here is one I found..

I think he is 5000 high but you are the judge and jury on that..

Edited by dvswia 8/2/2018 06:34
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promised land dreams
Posted 8/2/2018 08:06 (#6906886 - in reply to #6905332)
Subject: RE: JD 9410 combine what to look for and inspect.

Kinda like most others have said.

1 thing I would suggest, on any and all combines, the. Rotary screen drive bearings, so on a walker machine real PIA to do. When, not if, you replace them, upgrade to the bigger bearing. Pretty sure it's a JD39105. Same shaft and outer housing size, wider flange that mounts on the shaft and 1 extra ball inside. They last more than twice as long as the standard bearing.
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