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oliver 1855 problem
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Posted 5/9/2018 06:06 (#6751133)
Subject: oliver 1855 problem

got a 1855 for summer use as a yard tractor. when using it, it runs great then just like that it will die. let it die turn key starts right now. might run 10 minutes then will do it again. always starts right back up. any ideas ? thanks
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Posted 5/9/2018 06:55 (#6751223 - in reply to #6751133)
Subject: RE: oliver 1855 problem

Central Illinois
Gas or diesel? If its gas, first check your fuel cap to be sure its venting. Then check the fuel pump to be sure it's working. If those check out, drain the tank, pull the fuel line off of the sediment bowl and take the sediment bowl out of the tank. Then clean the passage of the sediment bowl. Also clean the fuel tank and fuel line. A friend has a 1650 that would die after a few minutes and he found Asian beetles in the sediment bowl passage. A dirty transfer tank started the problem.

If your carburetor gets frosty, you may have a leaking intake manifold. That can cause the tractor to die, but it would not restart quickly.
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Posted 5/9/2018 06:58 (#6751225 - in reply to #6751223)
Subject: RE: oliver 1855 problem

sorry diesel
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Posted 5/9/2018 21:33 (#6752481 - in reply to #6751225)
Subject: RE: oliver 1855 problem

Greensboro North Carolina
mn2 - 5/9/2018 06:58

sorry diesel
perkins or Waukesha?
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GM Guy
Posted 5/9/2018 22:16 (#6752620 - in reply to #6752481)
Subject: RE: oliver 1855 problem

1989plowboy - 5/9/2018 20:33

mn2 - 5/9/2018 06:58

sorry diesel
perkins or Waukesha?

1850 gas-Waukesha
1850 diesel - Perkins
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Posted 5/9/2018 08:51 (#6751460 - in reply to #6751223)
Subject: RE: oliver 1855 problem

Nebraska, The land of corn and cattle

Check the fuel cap, have you replaced it recently? Many of the non vented caps get mixed up with the vented caps. The vented ones are for the single tanks.

The non vented went on the main tank under the hood, and then a vented cap on each of the fender tanks, if you have them.

Sounds like a fuel system issue, I would check for obstructions like a bug in the lines or the sediment bowl, could be in the tank too. Is it fairly consistant on run time or does it seem to vary? 

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Posted 5/9/2018 10:32 (#6751582 - in reply to #6751460)
Subject: RE: oliver 1855 problem

run time varies
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Josh in Pa
Posted 5/9/2018 09:10 (#6751486 - in reply to #6751133)
Subject: RE: oliver 1855 problem

s.e. Pa
Take the return line off the pump and see if there is any junk in it. When the governor ring in the injection pump gets old they come apart and clog that line. Usually they slow down before they shut off, but I still that’s your problem. If you had a fuel restriction before the pump I think you would have to reprint to start it. Those pumps aren’t particularly expensive endive to rebuild.
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Rod Maker
Posted 5/9/2018 18:40 (#6752117 - in reply to #6751486)
Subject: RE: oliver 1855 problem

Westport, IN
I agree,

The fuel case pressure adjusts the timing of the pump. With the drain plugged it adjusts the timing so much it dies. Pressure bleeds off and it will restart.

Govenor drive ring is failing. Not to expensive to fix.

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Farmer at heart OG.
Posted 5/9/2018 17:58 (#6752059 - in reply to #6751133)
Subject: Algae would do that.

Clog's sediment screen and when engine dies it float's off. Start engine and run's til it plug's again. Treatment of the fuel would cure it possibly. Bio-cide is a good treatment.

Edited by Farmer at heart OG. 5/9/2018 18:03
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Posted 5/9/2018 18:07 (#6752069 - in reply to #6752059)
Subject: RE: Algae would do that.

Ec Indiana
No sediment bowl pr screen on these unless someone added one. I’m betting it’s the return line is plugged, I’ve had to break the glass ball in the return line on two of them. Ran fine after that, but the pump is gonna have to be replaced sometime.

If there is no fuel coming out the return line coming out of inj pump then take the fitting off the top of the pump and break the small glass ball in the fitting, it’s a temp fix, but I know of some guys that have gotten another 300-400 hours out of the pump before it completely failed.
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Posted 5/9/2018 19:53 (#6752236 - in reply to #6752069)
Subject: RE: Algae would do that.

east Dakota
My bet it is the governor ring has disintegrated, it will look like coffee grounds that plugs the return line,, that's what is causing the problem
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Posted 5/9/2018 21:55 (#6752547 - in reply to #6752236)
Subject: RE: Algae would do that.

thanks guys, we'll start looking
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