Posted 4/23/2018 10:27 (#6726373 - in reply to #6726366) Subject: RE: Acid washing aluminum trailer
west central ohio
I did my dump trailer when I got it. Cloudy day wet trailer down, hand sprayed the product ( got it from East trailer but can't remember the name right now think it was a citrus based product) and then power washed it. 2 hours or so for 33' trailer.
Posted 4/23/2018 12:00 (#6726490 - in reply to #6726366) Subject: RE: Acid washing aluminum trailer
The citrus based will work if it is a newer trailer and not oxidized really bad. If it is an older trailer you will need acid. If using acid start with a week mix and test it on a spot not easily seen. You can then increase/decrease the mix if needed. To strong of a mix will turn the aluminum white.You can use a soft scrub brush to apply it and scrub on the trailer also. Start at the bottom of the trailer and do not let acid run down on untreated areas or you will have streaking. Do small areas at a time till you get the hang of it. Either do it on a cloudy day or in a shop. The acid cannot dry on the trailer. It must be rinsed off quickly.The acids seem to work best on a warm trailer.
Posted 4/23/2018 17:08 (#6726837 - in reply to #6726825) Subject: RE: Acid washing aluminum trailer
If using acid cover up dura brite wheels. It’ll eat the protectant off....I use a company called tetra chem it’s safe for dura brite wheels
Posted 4/23/2018 20:10 (#6727081 - in reply to #6726366) Subject: RE: Acid washing aluminum trailer
I'll have to look at the brand I get. Doesn't turn it white, safe on polished surfaces, and actually brightens it a little. If the aluminum is really dirty you might have to do it twice. Start at the bottom with a good fine mist hand sprayer and work your way up so it doesn't streak. Spray off with cold water pressure washer.
Posted 4/23/2018 21:29 (#6727288 - in reply to #6726366) Subject: RE: Acid washing aluminum trailer
just a tish NE of central ND
So far, lots of mixed signals and what works for some and doesnt work for others. Is it that one kind of acid or the kind of citrus is different than the next type or brand? I guess its not going to be that easy to get a better look on older aluminum.... (: Will have try some things when I get some time this summer.
Posted 4/24/2018 10:13 (#6727977 - in reply to #6727288) Subject: RE: Acid washing aluminum trailer
Here's the stuff we use. Roughly 45 aluminum feed trucks. As other post says, roughly 3 hours to do a 5 axle feed tank and the tractor. Hope I get the picture of the label to upload.
Posted 4/24/2018 10:21 (#6727986 - in reply to #6727288) Subject: RE: Acid washing aluminum trailer
Here's the stuff we use. Roughly 45 aluminum feed trucks. As other post says, roughly 3 hours to do a 5 axle feed tank and the tractor. Hope I get the picture of the label to upload.
Posted 4/24/2018 13:05 (#6728226 - in reply to #6726366) Subject: RE: Acid washing aluminum trailer
Midwest CTI 1000 is what I use. Spray on, let it set for a minute or 2 and pressure wash off. Should only take an hour to do a really good job on the trailer