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NW Ohio,near Findlay | I forgot about the high-low range selector on the 1000 we had. We never used it, was too fast to do any work in high. In low range it works this way 1-3 in hi low levers, in the high range the low is second and the high is fourth. When I used this machine, I was not good enough operator to grade stone in the high range, but my boss was really good. Pushing hard dirt, stumps you always use the low range. On our Case 1000 it had two levers for the forward- reverse mode, it would counter-rotate in it's tracks. Never used it, good way to throw the tracks off and really tear up the grade. Still can't remember name the of the Case drive system, was on the back of the fuel tank, was as others said a Case-O -Matic , or Tera-A- Matic. On our older Case 1000 the company I worked for removed the Continental diesel when new and installed a Detroit Diesel 4-53 2 cycle. Was no good in my opinion, but I didn't have to pay for the numerous overhauls. The undercarriage was the weak point on the 1000, had the suspension system on it and when worn, rails would not stay on. They traded it on a 1150 , think a Case motor in it and never had problems with it. Have fun. | |