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Operating a Case 850D Dozer and Maintenance?
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Posted 2/27/2018 13:57 (#6608528)
Subject: Operating a Case 850D Dozer and Maintenance?

Statesville, NC
I just got a Case 850D dozer to use for some field maintenance. It has a 6 way blade. I will be leveling some old terraces, putting in waterways, and cleaning up some fence lines and edges of fields. It hasn't been ran much in several years, but only has 2800 hours. I'm doing some maintenance and checking it over. I have no operating experience, but will take it slow and easy for a while. The Case controls seem a little different than some, as it has pedals, and powershift levers. I have the manual. It can be driven by the pedals, or by speeding up or slowing down one side with the powershift levers. Anyone have any experience on one, and have any tips or tricks to using it? Also, it is a very early 5.9 Cummins. I've heard of the dowel pin issue. Would this be something to check for on this machine? Any other common problems with this series of dozers?

(dozer 001.JPG)

(dozer 002.JPG)

(dozer 003.JPG)

Attachments dozer 001.JPG (181KB - 247 downloads)
Attachments dozer 002.JPG (111KB - 259 downloads)
Attachments dozer 003.JPG (166KB - 237 downloads)
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Posted 2/27/2018 14:24 (#6608562 - in reply to #6608528)
Subject: RE: Operating a Case 850D Dozer and Maintenance?

NW Ohio,near Findlay
each track has a Hi-Lo lever, Correct? It is a torque converter drive Correct? pedals are for locking each track, not really to turn. The hi-low levers have a neutral in the middle. This is how you drive them, need to turn slowly while pushing, just put the one track in neutral and it will turn, if need to turn quicker, put one track in low and it will turn under power. One of the best, trouble free drive system ever made. I can't remember the name for Cases drive system. You will get use to it, and like it. We used the foot throttle, let up a bit when shifting the hi-low levers. Oh yes, under power, do not shift from forward to reverse, you will only do that once. Sometimes you forget witch levers do what, have fun.
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Posted 2/27/2018 14:43 (#6608589 - in reply to #6608562)
Subject: RE: Operating a Case 850D Dozer and Maintenance?

Northern Alberta
If you lightly step on a brake pedal it does the same thing as shifting lever to neutral.
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Posted 2/27/2018 14:43 (#6608590 - in reply to #6608562)
Subject: RE: Operating a Case 850D Dozer and Maintenance?

Statesville, NC
Yes, the two side by side levers are hi-neutral-low and the third lever is forward reverse. It is a torque converter drive. Thanks for the info. I wasn't really sure about when or how to use the pedals.
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Posted 2/27/2018 16:46 (#6608753 - in reply to #6608562)
Subject: RE: Operating a Case 850D Dozer and Maintenance?

West Tennessee
I can't add anything to what Don said. They are good solid reliable machines. I hate that my 550LT burned up. It was always dependable just small. Someone else mentioned brakes. Be SURE you know what fluid goes in the master cylinder. From memory it takes hydraulic fluid and not brake fluid but DOUBLE check that. More than one ruined from having the wrong stuff. Pretty sure it was putting brake fluid in them that got them.
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Posted 2/27/2018 16:48 (#6608759 - in reply to #6608753)
Subject: RE: Operating a Case 850D Dozer and Maintenance?

Statesville, NC
Previous owner told me it used hydraulic fluid in the master cylinders.
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TP from Central PA
Posted 2/27/2018 17:55 (#6608856 - in reply to #6608759)
Subject: RE: Operating a Case 850D Dozer and Maintenance?

TCH fluid I believe.....
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Posted 2/27/2018 15:13 (#6608619 - in reply to #6608528)
Subject: RE: Operating a Case 850D Dozer and Maintenance?

East Central wisconsin
Should be a good unit for you. Has the Case power turn. Whats nice is, you can maintain full power to both tracks while turning and pushing a full load. Not as smooth for finish work. Keep your distance from buildings till you get used to it. If I remember correctly, I think we may have had some brake cylinder issues? Nothing serious. Maybe slave cylinder leak, which looses brake fluid. Good luck.

Edited by WisTreemover 2/27/2018 15:21
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Posted 2/27/2018 16:19 (#6608715 - in reply to #6608528)
Subject: RE: Operating a Case 850D Dozer and Maintenance?

Fowlerville, Mi
We have an old 850B that’s basically the same except the engine. There’s also a high/low down behind your left foot, on ours anyway. I can only shift it when I shut down the engine otherwise it grinds. Really scoots in high range! Good reliable dozers.
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Posted 2/27/2018 17:19 (#6608808 - in reply to #6608715)
Subject: RE: Operating a Case 850D Dozer and Maintenance?

East Central wisconsin
Rick. I believe the trick to shifting the range lever with out shutting it down. Is to have one track drive in either hi or low, and the other side opposite. But both tracks engaged. Forward and reverse in neutral.
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Posted 2/27/2018 17:04 (#6608793 - in reply to #6608528)
Subject: RE: Operating a Case 850D Dozer and Maintenance?

New London, Wisconsin
I have a 450 case with that same control. I love it.

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Ridge Valley Cropper
Posted 2/27/2018 18:28 (#6608909 - in reply to #6608793)
Subject: RE: Operating a Case 850D Dozer and Maintenance?

I also have it's smaller sister, a 450. Controls are identical. I have had this machine for 20 plus years. Love it. The foot pedals (brake / neutral (foot levers)) have not worked well for years on my machine. Emergency brake works however.

I totally use the hi / lo range for driving maneuvering all the time. Ya, would be nice to get them fixed for standing still on a hill, but engaging in reverse, (or forward) depending direction you are facing, the torque converter with just enough 'gas pedal' works good for me. Sounds a bit convoluted I suppose, but believe me you get good at it and no problem.
This little machine has paid for itself many times over.
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Posted 2/27/2018 19:17 (#6609009 - in reply to #6608528)
Subject: RE: Operating a Case 850D Dozer and Maintenance?

Good looking old gal. I think, its been years, if it looses oil pressure they have a line from the pump that breaks. Not hard to fix, Someone correct me if this is wrong. Memory is getting worse.
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Posted 2/27/2018 21:00 (#6609329 - in reply to #6608528)
Subject: RE: Operating a Case 850D Dozer and Maintenance?

NW Ohio,near Findlay
I forgot about the high-low range selector on the 1000 we had. We never used it, was too fast to do any work in high. In low range it works this way 1-3 in hi low levers, in the high range the low is second and the high is fourth. When I used this machine, I was not good enough operator to grade stone in the high range, but my boss was really good. Pushing hard dirt, stumps you always use the low range. On our Case 1000 it had two levers for the forward- reverse mode, it would counter-rotate in it's tracks. Never used it, good way to throw the tracks off and really tear up the grade. Still can't remember name the of the Case drive system, was on the back of the fuel tank, was as others said a Case-O -Matic , or Tera-A- Matic. On our older Case 1000 the company I worked for removed the Continental diesel when new and installed a Detroit Diesel 4-53 2 cycle. Was no good in my opinion, but I didn't have to pay for the numerous overhauls. The undercarriage was the weak point on the 1000, had the suspension system on it and when worn, rails would not stay on. They traded it on a 1150 , think a Case motor in it and never had problems with it. Have fun.
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