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490d JD excavator any thoughts good or bad
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Posted 1/8/2018 19:42 (#6490086)
Subject: 490d JD excavator any thoughts good or bad

I am looking at purchasing a excavator I found a 490 that’s priced reasonable I think any thing to look for to suggest it’s going to be a money pit or a decent purchase. 7000ish hrs and mid 90s machine. I realize repairs not out of the question as with any part of farming just don’t need allot of big surprises. Also wondering if it’s big enough I plan on basic farm stuff burring rock piles and taking down trees I realize it will take some time on big trees but average trees here are 8” diameter
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Posted 1/8/2018 19:48 (#6490119 - in reply to #6490086)
Subject: RE: 490d JD excavator any thoughts good or bad

Nw Iowa
Should be a very good excavator if it checks out. Nice all around machine. I like bigger ones a lot more issues. If it has a thumb it would be even better.
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Posted 1/8/2018 20:01 (#6490171 - in reply to #6490086)
Subject: RE: 490d JD excavator any thoughts good or bad

Callao Missouri
I have an old straight 490 no letter designation. It has been a great hoe. The 490, 490d, e, and so on are Hitachi built machine's. Check the plumbing of the controls. John Deere is famous for plumbing the controls different than everyone else. If you have no hoe experience, plumb it like everything else so you can run others. My father in law has a 490e setup with the John Deere pattern and I cannot make things work at all on it. Jon

I will clarify because he is probably going to read this, left and right hands do different things on his machine vs mine. Nothing wrong with either machine just all in what your used to.

Edited by Jon 1/8/2018 20:08
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Posted 1/8/2018 20:36 (#6490301 - in reply to #6490171)
Subject: RE: 490d JD excavator any thoughts good or bad

How do you change the controls to cat control?
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Posted 1/9/2018 05:28 (#6490903 - in reply to #6490301)
Subject: RE: 490d JD excavator any thoughts good or bad

Fletcher, OH
You rearrange the pilot hoses going to the pilot manifold, or buy the pattern change valve kit from Deere.

Your Deere construction dealer service department can print you off the hose schematic to change patterns.

Deere's control pattern is the same as a backhoe.
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Posted 1/8/2018 22:57 (#6490740 - in reply to #6490086)
Subject: RE: 490d JD excavator any thoughts good or bad

red river valley se of fargo
I'm no expert with excavators but I've had a 490d for about 5 years. It's enough machine to do about anything you want to tackle. Obviously bigger is better but all you'd gain is speed. The track motors on mine are pretty weak and getting worse but you can still get from A to B using the stick to turn. I loaned it out to relative and he managed to bury the machine in a place he shouldn't have been but I think with good track motors he would have been ok. I've replaced maybe 2 or 3 hydraulic hoses and several fuel filters. That's the only $ I've spent on a pretty well shelled out machine. Thumb is pretty well a necessity btw. Mine is mechanical and I think I would prefer it over a hydraulic thumb.
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