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Rusty semi frame and DOT inspection?
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Posted 12/30/2017 12:04 (#6464328)
Subject: Rusty semi frame and DOT inspection?

southern Illinois
How bad can a frame be and still pass inspection? Look at the pic and tell me if this is a problem?


Attachments img.jpg (120KB - 101 downloads)
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Posted 12/30/2017 12:07 (#6464340 - in reply to #6464328)
Subject: RE: Rusty semi frame and DOT inspection?

Central ND
Probably might depend on if the guy inspecting has had a good week or not, and I'm being 100% serious.
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Posted 12/30/2017 12:12 (#6464349 - in reply to #6464340)
Subject: RE: Rusty semi frame and DOT inspection?

+100 on how good a mood the person is on any given day.. goes for any I’ve ever dealt with. Yours doesn’t look like anything of any concern, but I’m like above, rust isn’t a violation that I’m aware of, just makes them look even harder to find one though.
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Posted 12/30/2017 12:08 (#6464343 - in reply to #6464328)
Subject: RE: Rusty semi frame and DOT inspection?

East Central Iowa
I think they would look for frame cracks, but rust isn't a violation.
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Posted 12/30/2017 12:17 (#6464356 - in reply to #6464328)
Subject: RE: Rusty semi frame and DOT inspection?

45 miles south spingfield il.
I'd be more concerned if double frame with rust spreading frames
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Posted 12/30/2017 13:28 (#6464550 - in reply to #6464356)
Subject: RE: Rusty semi frame and DOT inspection?

$5.00 of bondo before the paint would have made it look a LOT better
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Posted 12/30/2017 15:24 (#6464801 - in reply to #6464328)
Subject: RE: Rusty semi frame and DOT inspection?

Mount Vernon, WA
If it were me, and an inspector told me that my truck was red tagged, I would politely ask him to justify it by showing me in his rule book. Things might change then.
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1206 Boyz
Posted 12/30/2017 15:29 (#6464812 - in reply to #6464801)
Subject: RE: Rusty semi frame and DOT inspection?

I doubt it is an issue....if it makes you feel better.... clean it up and apply rubber undercoating from spray great!
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Posted 12/30/2017 15:31 (#6464826 - in reply to #6464812)
Subject: RE: Rusty semi frame and DOT inspection?

ne il
Is that a Pete truck?
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Posted 12/30/2017 21:30 (#6465760 - in reply to #6464826)
Subject: RE: Rusty semi frame and DOT inspection?

southern Illinois
Yes it is a pete in an upcoming auction.
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MW farms
Posted 12/31/2017 00:08 (#6465967 - in reply to #6465760)
Subject: RE: Rusty semi frame and DOT inspection?

What else is rusted out and close to becoming a problem? Things like cab mounts and cross member mounts might be all that concerns me. It's not the frame rust that concerned me it would be the other what if stuff down the road.
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Posted 12/30/2017 17:17 (#6465089 - in reply to #6464328)
Subject: RE: Rusty semi frame and DOT inspection?

Unless you can justify a condition indicating an imminent collapse of the frame you would be good to go. Usually its the cracks, especially
the ones that extend into the flange, that usually causes an out of service condition.
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