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Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?
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John Smith
Posted 12/20/2017 21:27 (#6443310)
Subject: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

South Central Illinois

How does a Krause Excelerator fit into your farming operation?
Fall verses Spring?
First pass Spring verses Last pass Spring?
2 passes Spring and plant?
Where when how, do you use it?

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Posted 12/20/2017 22:00 (#6443391 - in reply to #6443310)
Subject: RE: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

Run cornstalks once and plant to Wheat.
If you have a big thunderstorm before you get the wheat up and going the corn stalks might all float across the field and end up in drainage ditches or terrace outlets making a mess.

On lighter soils spread dry fert on soybean stubble vt once and plant corn.

Smoothest finish of anything I've ever run.

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Posted 12/21/2017 06:13 (#6443697 - in reply to #6443310)
Subject: RE: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

Don't know where you are located but we North so it may be different in your area, but we run over the corn stalks in the fall after harvest and once in the spring and plant soybeans. We also have used it on bean ground in the fall just to open it up so it dries out faster in the spring, but still able to leave the bean residue on top to aid in erosion. It is a very good tillage tool but won't do it all. We still use a field cultivator and finisher in the spring where needed but do really like our Excelerator.
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Posted 12/21/2017 06:57 (#6443776 - in reply to #6443310)
Subject: RE: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

So. IL
We run it 2x in the fall on stalks that get planted to wheat, does a nice job chewing up the stalks and the top 3 inches of soil. The stalks that go to beans in the spring, we give them one pass in the fall and then no till the beans in the spring, this helps keep the water hemp seed down by not working ground in the spring.
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Posted 12/21/2017 07:11 (#6443811 - in reply to #6443310)
Subject: RE: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

Run in the fall on corn stalks and again in the spring. Primary purpose is slug control. No issues here with blowing stalks.
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Posted 12/21/2017 07:20 (#6443838 - in reply to #6443310)
Subject: RE: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

Northeastern Pa.
How would one work in gravel/rocky soil ? We wouldn't be pulling it more than 5 mph. on that type of soil.
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John Smith
Posted 12/21/2017 07:40 (#6443904 - in reply to #6443838)
Subject: RE: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

South Central Illinois

What do you use currently?
Not sure anything likes rock.
I am surprised that no one has made some kind of rock crusher.

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Posted 12/21/2017 07:21 (#6443840 - in reply to #6443310)
Subject: RE: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

West of Mpls MN about 50 miles on Hwy 12
Soybean straw I hit at 0 or 2 degrees with the Excelerator in the fall and plant in the spring.

Corn stalks I hit at 5 degrees in the fall and depending on how the spring weather is either plant, or hit the stalks again at 5 degrees and plant.

If I have chiseled plowed a whole field in the fall or chiseled part of a field for some reason like combine mud ruts, a cart road, or a headland where we loaded trucks in the fall. I'll hit the fall chiseling in the spring at 5 degrees and plant.

Edited by CMN 12/21/2017 07:24
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Posted 12/21/2017 11:23 (#6444318 - in reply to #6443310)
Subject: RE: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

Where are you located and what size are you considering? I have a 30' that I may sell.
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John Smith
Posted 12/21/2017 11:50 (#6444369 - in reply to #6444318)
Subject: RE: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

South Central Illinois
Central Illinois
30’ is what I need
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Posted 12/21/2017 11:51 (#6444372 - in reply to #6443310)
Subject: RE: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

Malinta Ohio

ON A DEALERS LOT! I fell all they do is pack the ground. Thats just my opinion. Had one for 2 years wherever we ran it opposed to ripping in fall and running a field cultivator in the spring the beans were much worse. Especially in heaver ground

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Posted 12/21/2017 12:17 (#6444413 - in reply to #6444372)
Subject: RE: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

I have a 25' for sale for similar reasons. I like it in the fall but no use for it in the spring. All my neighbors think I'm crazy but i think the biggest advantage is a. Guy can cover ground in a hurry.
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Posted 12/21/2017 14:07 (#6444636 - in reply to #6444413)
Subject: RE: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

You can cover alot of acres with any VT Tool. You can also fill up your ditches real fast with residue. Get a red one if you live in Central IL. You will be happy you did in the end!
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Posted 12/21/2017 14:17 (#6444654 - in reply to #6444636)
Subject: RE: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

Trash blowing hasn't really been a problem here. What is a red one? Excelerator are now orange since 2013 i believe.
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John Smith
Posted 12/21/2017 14:32 (#6444671 - in reply to #6444654)
Subject: RE: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

South Central Illinois
I think he is referring to the case ih 330
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Posted 12/21/2017 15:39 (#6444759 - in reply to #6443310)
Subject: RE: Best use of a Kuhn Krause Excelerator?

Leesburg, Ohio
Definitely try to run all our stalks in the fall, then plant beans directly into that stale seedbed in the spring. Really smooth, and plants much nicer than straight no-till, but leaves most residue on top for cover. Move enough dirt that we don't have much trouble with stalks/trash blowing.

We will run it sometimes in the spring on un-tilled soybean stubble ahead of the corn planter. Same reason as above: smoother, plants nicer, better stand than straight no-till. Depends on conditions whether we run it in the spring.

I have seen some "VT" type tools cause compaction. Have not seen it yet from the Excelerator.
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