povertypoint - 12/6/2017 10:08 Have a standard protocol for removing net wrap. 1. Spear and lift bale 1 foot off the ground 2. Struggle my way out of the skid loader with aluminum bat 3. Proceed to beat the living crap out of the ice and snow encrusted bale 4. Beat some more 5. Cut the wrap on one side with my utility knife 6. Pull net wrap over and off bale 7. Try and free net wrap from offensive rotten bottom of bale that fell in a big frozen chunk 8. Set net wrap aside and go feed bale 9. Retrieve net wrap and dispose of in proper NAT approved receptacle (burn pit) 10. Drive loader back to shed while daydreaming of owning a side entry skid loader with a cab, a hay shed and a cement feeding pad. All paid for from cattle profits :) You got it! Especially the part about "struggling my way out of the skid loader". I am still daydreaming about the cement feeding pad! Maybe in a few years. Funny how my "cattle profits" all seem to be walking around with a calf at their side, bellowing for more hay! |