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How does an John Deere IVT operate?
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Posted 10/25/2017 21:00 (#6327529)
Subject: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

Coles County, Illinois
I'm looking at a 7000 series John Deere with an IVT transmission. One thing I want to do is spray with it. I have a Hardi diaphragm pump sprayer and as such I'm used to setting the pressure to a certain PSI at a certain RPM. As long as I stay in that gear, I can speed up or slow down and my rate stays at the same GPM. I have no electronic controller.

If I get an IVT can I lock it into a repeatable "gear" and use the throttle to change speeds? If so can one quickly return to that "gear" after refilling?

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Posted 10/25/2017 22:02 (#6327698 - in reply to #6327529)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

Southern Colorado
The "gears" are in 2/10 mile per hour increments so you would be good in that respect. The throttle would be a grey area in my mind. You can use the throttle to adjust the speed somewhat but if you drop down too low the tractor will slow down really fast. I tend too drive it like a hydrostat where you set the throttle and adjust your speed with the gear shift.
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Posted 10/25/2017 22:03 (#6327701 - in reply to #6327529)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?


I picked a random early 7 Series with an IVT available and pulled the operators manual here:

If you read Section 42 you'll have a pretty good idea of how it operates.

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Posted 10/25/2017 22:28 (#6327757 - in reply to #6327529)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

Fairbury, NE (Southeast)
Ran a 7920 for 5 years on a pull type sprayer. The IVT is perfect for the job. Set your throttle and dial the speed in that you want. Pull back for washes, and push ahead for good going. Usually ran 1500 rpm. Ran the pump and booms very nicely.
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Posted 10/25/2017 23:06 (#6327801 - in reply to #6327529)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

Coles County, Illinois
I think I need to explain a little better. With My Hardi If I put Red Nozzles in (4s) and set my PSI at 42 @1600 rpm in gear C4. I'll apply 20 gallons an acre at any speed between 1100 rpm to 2000 rpm as long as I stay in C4. My PSI will be very low @1100 rpm or very high @ 2000 rpm.

I have a chart that gives me all sorts of GPA targets depending on which nozzles and my calibration pressure @ 1600 rpm.
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Posted 10/25/2017 23:37 (#6327834 - in reply to #6327801)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

Herb I had a hardie and ran it like you with no rate controller just stayed in the same gear. I have an 8rt with ivt and would say no it won't work. The trany will do whatever it needs to keep the engine
from lugging to hard. It's constantly changing clutch packs without your control. You need to take one out for a drive to get a good feel for how they work.
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Posted 10/26/2017 00:39 (#6327876 - in reply to #6327834)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

+1 it won't work like a gear trans the Rpm's change drive one
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Posted 10/26/2017 04:05 (#6327906 - in reply to #6327876)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

People who think an 8r IVT can not be set to manual controls could learn a lot from reading the manual.

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JD 9400
Posted 10/26/2017 04:48 (#6327915 - in reply to #6327906)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

Southern Pa.
mschultz - 10/26/2017 05:05

People who think an 8r IVT can not be set to manual controls could learn a lot from reading the manual.


X100 on this.
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Posted 10/26/2017 07:01 (#6328064 - in reply to #6327915)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

Moreauville LA
JD 9400 - 10/26/2017 04:48

mschultz - 10/26/2017 05:05

People who think an 8r IVT can not be set to manual controls could learn a lot from reading the manual.


X100 on this.

This is the most accurate statement of the day.

Light to moderate load operation, set it on manual mode. It will then operate as close to a hydrostat, with power, as one could imagine
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Posted 10/26/2017 09:40 (#6328340 - in reply to #6328064)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

Hennepin, IL
People who think his hardi sprayer will work with a hydrostat could learn a lot from reading a hardi manual.

To the OP, have you thought of adding a rate controller? If you go with a 3rd party system, you can have the option of section control also.
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Posted 10/26/2017 10:52 (#6328448 - in reply to #6328340)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

Coles County, Illinois
At the risk of being a Luddite the repeatability of this sprayer is amazing. Many times I've ran out of material +or - 1000 feet after 300 acres of spraying. I do have Raven Auto Steer so a 440 would plug right in. Section control is kind of a waste here in "all fields are rectangles" land. (Well all but one.)
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Posted 10/26/2017 15:41 (#6328732 - in reply to #6327915)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

SW Ontario
JD 9400 - 10/26/2017 04:48

mschultz - 10/26/2017 05:05

People who think an 8r IVT can not be set to manual controls could learn a lot from reading the manual.


X100 on this.

I will add another +1 to this.
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Posted 10/26/2017 02:08 (#6327889 - in reply to #6327529)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

Osakis, MN
If you have the mode selector knob in the first position it will do like you want it to. You can set the thumb wheel to the max speed and throttle up and down. Why would you vary your engine speed when you can just use the variable tranny to do the speed for you? I'd look for a rate controller.
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JD 9400
Posted 10/26/2017 04:47 (#6327914 - in reply to #6327889)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

Southern Pa.
tomosakis - 10/26/2017 03:08

If you have the mode selector knob in the first position it will do like you want it to. You can set the thumb wheel to the max speed and throttle up and down. Why would you vary your engine speed when you can just use the variable tranny to do the speed for you? I'd look for a rate controller.

The op has a hardi diaphragm pump, and really doesn't need a rate controller, IF he has the proper transmission for his application. In the case of a Deere with IVT, as long as you can select manual mode, it will work.
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JD 9400
Posted 10/26/2017 04:57 (#6327921 - in reply to #6327529)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

Southern Pa.
Herbie56 - 10/25/2017 22:00

I'm looking at a 7000 series John Deere with an IVT transmission. One thing I want to do is spray with it. I have a Hardi diaphragm pump sprayer and as such I'm used to setting the pressure to a certain PSI at a certain RPM. As long as I stay in that gear, I can speed up or slow down and my rate stays at the same GPM. I have no electronic controller.

If I get an IVT can I lock it into a repeatable "gear" and use the throttle to change speeds? If so can one quickly return to that "gear" after refilling?

7X20 or 7X30 series?? Never drove a 7X20 with IVT, so I can't speak for them. However, I have put hundreds of hours on small frame 7X30 tractors.They can be set to manual mode to do exactly what you want.
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Posted 10/26/2017 05:08 (#6327927 - in reply to #6327529)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

West Central IL

Not sure on a deere, but the new holland we had you could set it to act like a power shift if needed.

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Posted 10/26/2017 05:43 (#6327945 - in reply to #6327529)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

Coles County, Illinois
This tractor happens to be a 7420 that's 300 miles away.

The manual is full of suggestions on how I don't want to run it. (Positions 1-5) and then it has at the bottom of the page:

Position 0 (OFF):

In position 0, No automatic transmission/engine interaction takes place.

In this position I would assume I'd set the engine rpm to 1600 rpm, set spray PSI to 42 and advance the lever until the tractor was traveling 6 mph.(Just like C4 in my 6420). From then on if I varied the throttle the PTO to ground speed ratio would remain constant.
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Posted 10/26/2017 05:56 (#6327957 - in reply to #6327945)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

I use a 6420 IVT to spray with. I turn the dial to full manual and set my engine speed using the field cruise. When I am running I shove throttle to wide open and use the lever to control my speed. Speed is usually 5mph and rpm is 1400. I don't have a rate controller so I keep my speed constant. Works great.
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Posted 10/26/2017 19:33 (#6329012 - in reply to #6327945)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

would the idea of setting your psi., rpms and gear, and then speed up or slow down and still get the same gpa work with a centrifical pump or just the diaphragm pump?
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Posted 10/26/2017 22:18 (#6329382 - in reply to #6329012)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

Coles County, Illinois
The problem with a centrifugal pump is that backpressure or head causes the pump capacity to diminish. A diaphragm pump is nearly a positive displacement pump. So as rpm's increase the pump capacity increases in a direct relationship. There are some limitations as I've noticed that when you get above 60 psi you will have to boost the pressure a little as plumbing losses start to unbalance system.
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Posted 10/26/2017 05:51 (#6327953 - in reply to #6327529)
Subject: RE: How does an John Deere IVT operate?

Dennison, IL
As long as you keep your engine rpms above 12-1300 rpm, you will like your ivt much better. Set your engine cruise speed and set the transmission to manual and you'll think you're driving a Cadillac for spraying like you want.
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