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IH 826
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Posted 9/20/2017 20:33 (#6260250)
Subject: IH 826

Springfield, Ohio
I have a friend that has 1970 IH 826 been sitting for several years 5 ish, in a barn she would like to get running and sold. Checked the tractor out tonight, it was way overfilled on oil but it of course wasn't oil and all coolant is in the oil pan. Checked the coolant freeze point my tester says -45*F so I'm thinking bad o-ring or sleeve? Thoughts??? What's this tractor worth now? What's it worth in good working order? Are they Any count as a tractor?
Tractor details are wide front, open station, straight metal, not rusted, standard trans, 18.4x38 rears, pretty decent paint.


Attachments IMG_0263.JPG (124KB - 148 downloads)
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Posted 9/20/2017 21:34 (#6260457 - in reply to #6260250)
Subject: RE: IH 826

Southeast Iowa
The 826 has the German Diesel engine.

Parts are higher than others. Check availability as well.

It may be tough to recoup the repair cost if it is hired done.

May be worth 1500 to 2000 the way it sits. That might be her best deal.
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Posted 9/20/2017 22:02 (#6260556 - in reply to #6260250)
Subject: RE: IH 826

Dallas, South Dakota
Id like to visit with you about that. My email is good.
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Loren SE IA
Posted 9/20/2017 23:06 (#6260685 - in reply to #6260250)
Subject: RE: IH 826

Kalona, IA

The German engines were a good engine but had one common issue: they have bad O-rings on the sleeves that would crack with age and let the anti freeze leak into the engine oil. If the engine hasn't been run since the AF leaked into it the damage may not be to severe.

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Posted 9/21/2017 06:36 (#6260881 - in reply to #6260685)
Subject: RE: IH 826

Western, Pa
Brian, can you email me about it, thanks
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Posted 9/21/2017 08:53 (#6261170 - in reply to #6260881)
Subject: RE: IH 826

It would be more then $2,000. The front alone would sell for that. Dont sell it to cheap. Dont run it at all would be the best bet. Drain the oil. Antifreeze. Leave it as as is after that. Probably an easy fix if no engine damge. I would tear it down myself if it was me. Fix it an then sell it. Way more dollars that way then it is now. 826s are a rare tractor. Not many made. I would ask $4,000 for it as is. See what happens. Otherwise I would fix it an then sell it. Get an estimate not from a dealer but maybe a mechanic that works on those tractors. Some dollars spent could easily make for a good ROI. Sorry just trying to help the owner here. I was thinking an old 856 motor would go in there but not sure on the engine mounts on the back. Main thing dont run the tractor. Good Luck.
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Illinois Steve
Posted 9/21/2017 09:59 (#6261279 - in reply to #6261170)
Subject: RE: IH 826

North Central Illinois
Not sure on actual production numbers but I think calling a diesel gear drive 826 "rare" is a bit of a stretch. I remember several in this area back in the day. Now if you had an 826 hydro with a gas engine you might have something! That motor is expensive to work on. I supppse a person could do the bare minimum to fix the source of the problem and sell it to some unsuspecting fool but that isn't really my style. To dig into that motor and fix everything right would be kind of spendy. A motor out of a combine might be an economic alternative to making the tractor functional again. The other option is to part it out. The way it sits now it is definitely worth more in parts than any other way.
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Posted 9/21/2017 10:08 (#6261299 - in reply to #6261279)
Subject: RE: IH 826

Eastern North Carolina
That 826 has the Neuss D-358, same engine as the 1979 and later 886, 786, 3088, 3288 and 1420 combine. Don't try to run it and you may be able to get by with and inframe with bearings and cylinder kits.

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Posted 9/21/2017 12:00 (#6261503 - in reply to #6260250)
Subject: RE: IH 826

Are you sure it's antifreeze in the crankcase? Had a seal on the pump out on ours and filled the crankcase with diesel fuel.
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