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How reasonable is shipping through Fastenal compared to LTL companies?
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Posted 7/31/2017 21:45 (#6160369)
Subject: How reasonable is shipping through Fastenal compared to LTL companies?

North Central Iowa
Have a fellow ag talker that wants to purchase an item and try to find cheapest shipping from Iowa to Michigan? Ltl companies about $350

Edited by farmboy8480 7/31/2017 21:45
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Posted 7/31/2017 21:58 (#6160428 - in reply to #6160369)
Subject: RE: How reasonable is shipping through Fastenal compared to LTL companies?

SE Nebraska
Depends on size and weight. But I shipped a pallet of planter parts and it was $150
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Too Tall
Posted 7/31/2017 22:07 (#6160466 - in reply to #6160428)
Subject: RE: How reasonable is shipping through Fastenal compared to LTL companies?

Northwest IA. Near Ft. Dodge
Used Fastenal twice and works good. I think it will be on lower end of cost compared to others.
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Posted 7/31/2017 22:17 (#6160501 - in reply to #6160369)
Subject: RE: How reasonable is shipping through Fastenal compared to LTL companies?

Marengo, Ia.
I shipped a 1000lb pallet of planter parts from Iowa to Minnesota for $75 with Fastenal.
Worked great!
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Posted 7/31/2017 23:05 (#6160598 - in reply to #6160369)
Subject: RE: How reasonable is shipping through Fastenal compared to LTL companies?

I've used it on 3 occasions. Highly recommend it.
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Red Paint
Posted 8/1/2017 04:38 (#6160745 - in reply to #6160369)
Subject: RE: How reasonable is shipping through Fastenal compared to LTL companies?

SW “Ohia”

They're extremely competitive. I had a 1,200-pound two-bottom rollover plow shipped from Oregon to Ohio for $400. My store said it was the largest item they had ever handled.


Attachments IMG_0014.JPG (160KB - 122 downloads)
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Ron..NE ILL..10/48
Posted 8/1/2017 06:19 (#6160807 - in reply to #6160369)
Subject: RE: How reasonable is shipping through Fastenal compared to LTL companies?

Chebanse, IL.....

Personally, we've had very good luck with Fastenals shipping program. We had some wheel weights (special ones) shipped from Arizona & it was only a little over $100. They give quotes per occurrence. Then they're delivered to the store nearest you. You don't have to wait & be there for some common carrier truck arriving from 100 mis away at whatever time he makes it there....maybe.

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Von WC Ohio
Posted 8/1/2017 06:28 (#6160820 - in reply to #6160807)
Subject: RE: How reasonable is shipping through Fastenal compared to LTL companies?


How does it work on the far away end ?

Does Fastenal pick up the item they are going to be shipping or does it need to be delivered to their store ?

See a couple chisel plow shanks in Idaho I'd like to have and there is a store fairly close to this location but wondered if Fastenal would pick up directly ?  I'm sure that place would band them to a pallet and load for Fastenal folks.

Better to call shipping # for Fastenal or visit local store and inquire with them ?


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Too Tall
Posted 8/1/2017 07:49 (#6160953 - in reply to #6160820)
Subject: RE: How reasonable is shipping through Fastenal compared to LTL companies?

Northwest IA. Near Ft. Dodge
They will want you to take to the store. Works better if you call number dealing with shipping. Ask them any question you need to. I keep track of who who I talk to and get some person again if I call back with more questions. My store is very accommodating, but will not line up the shipping aspect of it. She said that is really another department or service. Very happy to handle the product though. Both times I used them I constructed an enclosed crate using old pieces of lumber on a pallet.
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Posted 8/1/2017 08:54 (#6161079 - in reply to #6160953)
Subject: RE: How reasonable is shipping through Fastenal compared to LTL companies?

NW Minnesota

It used to be cheaper, now its getting to be like a minimum pricing kind of deal.  So much per pallet doesn't matter how much it weighs.  I've had better luck with Speedee Delivery on larger items (smaller than a pallet obviously).

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Ron..NE ILL..10/48
Posted 8/2/2017 05:54 (#6162658 - in reply to #6160820)
Subject: RE: How reasonable is shipping through Fastenal compared to LTL companies?

Chebanse, IL.....


As others say, you have to call the Fastenal transport service to get the quote. The person shipping the item will need to physically take it to his most local Fastenal stores. Not every Fastenal store cooperates in the program however, but they tell you this in the quote. I think the very small storage area stores don't.

The Fastenal trucks deliver their own products to their own stores a couple of times per week (here @ the Bradley IL store anyway). If they have room on a truck, they will put your freight on there. Therefore, it may actually sit a couple of days waiting for that "room" on a truck. But again, I've found the service good. Another poster said they're getting more expensive. Not sure about that....I haven't used them lately. The nice thing is, when your package/pallet/whatever arrives at YOUR neighboring store, it's kept there until you pick it up. Semi truck common carriers don't seem to have good scheduling here in NE IL. Sometimes they call you, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they get lost, sometimes not. Fastenal store will just call you & say, "your package is here in our store whenever you want to come pick it up. We'll load it for you...".

Fastenal calls it "Third Party Logistics". You are the 3rd party, since they normally carry their own freight in their own trucks. Here's the link to the quote form:

Good luck. I like it here.

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Posted 8/2/2017 02:47 (#6162623 - in reply to #6160369)
Subject: RE: How reasonable is shipping through Fastenal compared to LTL companies?

Ludington/Manistee MI area
Couple years ago needed a dropbox shipped to Big tractor parts for rebuild. Got disgusted arriving at a price with Fastenal and BTP wasn't geeked about it going to Fastenal. Called a equipment trucker we have dealt with and told him the situation mentioned this wasn't a rush. He told me when to meet him at his house to do the transfer. He was very reasonable priced and decent to work with. Guy is based in central MI if you want email me for more info my email is good. Just a thought.
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