This ought to be posted as a FAQ. Seems like every month or two someone asks about 2+2's. You might do a search of the forums on 2+2 for the last year and see what comes up. The aggravating thing about a 2+2 is if you get a good one there isn't a better tractor. And if you get a bad one nothing you do will make it any better. But anyway, "flaws they had". The 2+2 was a lousy execution of a great concept. Part of the problem was people would buy them thinking they were getting a big frame articulated 4WD tractor. What they got was a fair to good sized front wheel assist tractor that bent in the middle. They were like a Jeep of the same vintage, they were going to leak something someplace. Guaranteed. Generally at the most inopportune moments. It was common to see them with duals on the rear axle. Part was traction and flotation, although usually they didn't need it unless they were turned up ... which was normal. (refer to my "big frame" comment above). The main reason for duals was stability. I drove one without duals pulling a mounted chisel plow and almost got seasick. But at least on the early ones f you put duals all the way around you had to put blocks in so it could not turn as tight. Front wheels hitting rear wheels is not a good combination. I think later models had the wheelbase stretched a bit, but I won't guarantee that. The pivots were a weak point if not properly maintained. (ie greased AT LEAST daily) They had the IH transmission. The tranny wasn't so bad, but shifting it could be. Driving one was likened to following a carp down the middle of a flooded road. You had to get used to the front wiggling around when you turned the wheel. And often the steering wheel did not turn as smooth as you would expect. I think IH was finally getting the bugs worked out and making a good tractor out of them when Case took over and shut the program down. When they need worked on you want to remember this was an orphan tractor made about 20 years ago by a company that has been sold a couple times.
Edited by Mike SE IL 10/30/2008 06:31