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fuel transfer pump - gpi vs fillrite?
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Posted 2/11/2017 21:57 (#5833506)
Subject: fuel transfer pump - gpi vs fillrite?

The pump on our hwy diesel tank went bad this week so need to replace it. Looking for something in the 115 v 20 -25 gpm range. Most of our pumps are tuthill / fillrights and have had good luck with them. Went looking today and most of what I found are GPI pumps. Only one I was ever around was a 12v that a landlord gave us when he retired. Have never been impressed with it, mainly use it in the shop. How is the re liability on their larger 115v pumps? Do they pump what they are rated at or are their gpm overrated like FillRights?

Looking at pumps on the net it seems that depending where you look the same model has different gpm ratings. Looking for a 20 -25gpm with meter and 1" outlet bunge. Don't need a hose or automatic shutoff nozzle as we already have them. What would you recommend?


Edited by boog 2/11/2017 22:00
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Posted 2/11/2017 22:12 (#5833536 - in reply to #5833506)
Subject: RE: fuel transfer pump - gpi vs fillrite?

Northern CA
I need a new truck. Do I buy a Ford or a Chevy. I think that is the debate you will hear. Overall, I think Fillrite has a better following on NAT, but that's not my experience. I am exclusively GPI now. If you have had good luck with Fillrite, you should probably stay there. For me, I buy the silver ones now.
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Posted 2/12/2017 14:37 (#5834754 - in reply to #5833536)
Subject: RE: fuel transfer pump - gpi vs fillrite?

nw kansas
Plus 1
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Posted 2/11/2017 22:33 (#5833563 - in reply to #5833506)
Subject: RE: fuel transfer pump - gpi vs fillrite?

I put one of the big GPI on about 5 years ago. So far so good. CRS on the model but it's the biggest 120volt pump they make. Have to look at the meter but it's well over 20,000 gal. Had one of the ding bats around here take off and leave it running all afternoon for about 6-7 hours before we found it. Still working 3 years later.

Also have a Fillrite FR700 I believe on the on road tank it's fine also. I have had some of the cheaper fill rites switches go bad on the gas barrel. Those are the 12gpm models for $200 or so but that is the only thing I can think of in 15+years.
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Von WC Ohio
Posted 2/11/2017 22:34 (#5833565 - in reply to #5833506)
Subject: RE: fuel transfer pump - gpi vs fillrite?

I started out with a 12V GPI on a transfer tank around 1980 or so it's still going strong.

Over the years I've replaced other hand pumps and an old Gas Boy electric pump with these repackaged 110V GPI pumps.,6154,4530.htm

Hard to beat them on price vs ones in the farm supply stores running $345 or more. They are only 12 GPM but have been durable and trouble free for me. Only had one I had to replace the plastic gears in as they were binding up some. Think it was due to ethanol in the gasoline as the replacement gears were a different color and material.

I do have one of the heavy duty large motor Tuthills I got off Ebay. Had a issue with the on off switch within a couple years where it would not switch off or on. Just left it on and killed juice to the pump with breaker. Finally tore it apart last year had to separate the end plate housing off the motor to get to the mickey mouse switch set up inside. Was afraid I would break the end housing trying to get it apart it was so tight  One of the switch contacts had burned off where it would not run at all anymore. I was less than impressed by the rusty contactors and brush set up inside. Found a replacement switch that would work and got it back together so far it is working like it should but if it pukes I'll get another GPI.

The Tuthill probably has a higher GPM than the GPI but I like the compact design and aluminum construction of the GPI's myself.

Others mileage may vary especially if your looking for higher GPM pumps.


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Posted 2/11/2017 22:50 (#5833589 - in reply to #5833565)
Subject: RE: fuel transfer pump - gpi vs fillrite?

West Texas near Lubbock
This doesn't answer your question but
We switched from a 12v tuthill to a cast iron pump powered by a Honda gasoline engine.
No more waiting forever to fill up your tractor.
Auto filler cutoff and your good to go.
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Posted 2/12/2017 00:55 (#5833655 - in reply to #5833565)
Subject: RE: fuel transfer pump - gpi vs fillrite?

West central Ohio
Had an intermittent problem with a switch on an older Fillrite. Took it to Mastellers in Sidney and they put a better switch in it. Works great now.
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Posted 2/12/2017 09:07 (#5834066 - in reply to #5833506)
Subject: RE: fuel transfer pump - gpi vs fillrite?

Hillsboro, AL

We gave up on all those listed and went to this for large volume pumps.

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Posted 2/12/2017 09:29 (#5834120 - in reply to #5834066)
Subject: RE: fuel transfer pump - gpi vs fillrite?

I would be interested in one of those if it were for the farm fuel tank where we're pumnping large volumes of fuel every day but this is for farm semis that aren't running year around. Even during harvest we only fill about every 3rd day they around 70-80 gal at a time.

Other thing, we need it Monday or Tuesday at the latest so am looking for something sold locally & not having to order & wait a week or so to get.

Edited by boog 2/12/2017 09:32
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