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Disc blades
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Posted 9/23/2016 15:59 (#5544909)
Subject: Disc blades

does anyone have any experience with the Ingersoll Soil Razor disc blades? In the future I will be replacing blades on my disc, Just wondering if they would work better than plain blades? For 22 inch plain they are $54 and The Razor ones Are listed at $64 . I have rocks so I dont think notched will work for me. It would probably just be the front blades because the back arent bad.
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Posted 9/23/2016 16:21 (#5544930 - in reply to #5544909)
Subject: RE: Disc blades

So. IL
That blade is on the Krause Excelerator, they call it the Excalibur blade but it's just the soil razor. I like them on the excelerator but it is not a disk and he blades don't roll dirt like a disk either.
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Posted 9/23/2016 20:33 (#5545338 - in reply to #5544930)
Subject: RE: Disc blades

depending on your harrow and what will fit the john deere 22 and 24 in. 1/4 in. thick cone shaped blades are among the best cutting blades on the market---no they aren't cheap.
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