Southern Pa. | Sodbustr - 6/26/2016 22:09
How many hours a year are you putting on the 7810? If only 2-300 I would just suck it up and use it for the jobs you mention. If you really need another tractor the 6410 or 6420 would both be nice. Don't get the 6310. I had one as trading material and used it around the farm a bit. What a pooch.......
The only difference between a 6310 and a 6410 is the injection pump settings. The pooch part comes from the 10 series part of the tractor, not the "63" part, IMO. I bought a new O/S 6400 in '97, loved it. I bought a cherry '01 800 hr. one owner 6410 in '07. It was reliable, but tended to run warm, and was gutless compared to my late model 6400. I have two BIL's with 6410's, both are relatively gutless like mine was. Have a close friend that owns a 6410 and a 6220. Loves the 6220, says the 6410 is gutless, and will start slowing down when it sees a hill out ahead. I really believe the 6X10 series are gutless because of the injection pumps, they have some fancy gadgets hanging on the injection pumps (for emissions reasons) that the 6X00 series didn't have.
I traded the 6410 on a new '11 6430 premium. The 6430 has good power, and no heating issues.So far we really like it, what the overload of electronics on it will do to its reliability in the future remains to be seen.
To the OP, as far as electronics go, the 6X00 and 6X10 series are very similiar, with the exception of the injection pump. The 6X20 series have a lot more sensors which can give some grief at times.The late model 6400 I had never had heating issues like my 6410. I have heard others complain about the 6X10's having heating issues as well. Why, I don't know.
If you want to steer clear of excessive electronics, I'd recommend a late model 6400. Skip the 6X10 series, IMO. A 6420 is a great tractor, but does have a lot of sensors that the previous models didn't.
If hyd. flow isn't much of an issue, a non premium 6430 doesn't have excessive amounts of electronics. A late model non premium will have a 21 gpm hyd. pump versus an earlier one having a 17 gpm. All the non premium Cab models will have open center hyd. systems, versus PFC hyd. systems on the premiums. Premium hyd. systems were optional on non premium 6X30 series tractors, but only on the O/S models.
A 4020 has a smooth running 6 cyl. engine. A 7210 will also have a 6 cyl. engine which is inherently smoother than its 4 cyl. siblings. I will say that the 6X30 premiums do have a very smooth running engine for a 4 cyl.
If you lean toward a 6 cyl. engine, a 7200 does not have the same engine as a 7400. I was never a big fan of the 359 cu. in. engine.A 7210 has the better 6.8 L engine like the 7400.
Good luck!!!!
Edited by JD 9400 6/27/2016 05:47