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J.D. 6410 or 20?
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Posted 6/26/2016 19:17 (#5377488)
Subject: J.D. 6410 or 20?

Fayette Co, Iowa
Just tossing this around as I mowed hay yesterday and today.. My "chore" tractor on my farm is a 1967 J.D. 4020. I will never get rid of it because it was my grandpas tractor. But sitting out in the 90/92 degree heat mowing hay with no cab I'm seriously considering getting a 6410 or 6420 to "replace" my 4020. I would use it to haul manure, grind some feed for cows, mow, rake, and round bale hay, run 10x70 auger, and pull nitrogen applicator with it. I currently have a 1998, 7810 MFD but its to big for those smaller jobs. Just curious if there is big changes between a 6410 and 6420?? Most I see are higher hours. Trying to avoid those.
Reason I'm writing this is I'm in my mid 40's and I'm getting more and more spots burnt off of my face from being out in the sun all the time... I wear a "bucket hat" but I'm starting to think its time to avoid the sun when its this darn hot
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Posted 6/26/2016 19:36 (#5377533 - in reply to #5377488)
Subject: RE: J.D. 6410 or 20?

had a 6400 premium, loved it, traded it for a 6430, like it better. you will never regret getting one with a cab, air,radio, etc. I had 65-80 hp. open tractors for 30 years and finally got the 6400 with cab. wish I had bought one years earlier. you won't believe how much better you feel after being in the field for 8 hour in a cab instead of an open station
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Posted 6/26/2016 19:50 (#5377555 - in reply to #5377488)
Subject: RE: J.D. 6410 or 20?

eastern ontario canada.
6410 or 20. both are good very little diffence.
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Posted 6/26/2016 19:57 (#5377575 - in reply to #5377488)
Subject: RE: J.D. 6410 or 20?

Northern Maryland
A lot more electronics on the 6420 we have one and there is always some buzzer going off. Our old 6400 never had that issue
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Posted 6/26/2016 20:04 (#5377600 - in reply to #5377575)
Subject: RE: J.D. 6410 or 20?

Fayette Co, Iowa
spent yesterday on it for 5 hrs, and was on it today for 8 hrs.. Ended up with a pounding headache, and felt like crap. A touch of heat exhaustion hit me.. Ive been mowing hay with the ole 4020 for 25 yrs.. That tractor is so handy and in tight spots (mowing waterways) turn on a dime. But I hate that I might have to bite the bullet... But my heath is more important than feeling like crap sitting out in the heat and humidity..

Edited by s205 6/26/2016 20:05
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Posted 6/26/2016 20:06 (#5377605 - in reply to #5377575)
Subject: RE: J.D. 6410 or 20?

Northeastern Pa.
Had a 6400 sold it and got a 7210. 6400 would struggle some on a 6 row planter loaded with liquid and not handle our 835 moco. 7210 does it all with ease. Big difference going to the row crop. Paid the same for both tractors. Love it.

Edited by jd43 6/26/2016 20:07
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Posted 6/26/2016 20:10 (#5377618 - in reply to #5377575)
Subject: RE: J.D. 6410 or 20?

Ontario's Middle East
My experience is limited to listening to my brother rave about his o/s 6400 with a canopy and in the next breath curse his 6420 for being an unreliable POS.

I recommend putting a canopy on the 4020 since you're going to keep it anyways.
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MW farms
Posted 6/26/2016 20:23 (#5377651 - in reply to #5377618)
Subject: RE: J.D. 6410 or 20?

Never had a 10. We had a 6400 and traded it on a 6420 that we still have. Both had some small issues but nothing major. Depends on what year of 6420 it could have a electronic fuel pump in it. Just dynoed our 6420 the other day.....has a bit of a tune in it but put out around 115hp at just over 9300 hours. It still runs and starts like new.
I think you'd be happy with either one I would look for one that is nice and clean well maintained to be my deciding factor rather then the year or series.
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Posted 6/26/2016 20:27 (#5377660 - in reply to #5377488)
Subject: RE: J.D. 6410 or 20?

West Central IL
Our 6410 reminds me of a modern day 4020. Same size, just updated comfort.
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Posted 6/26/2016 21:12 (#5377802 - in reply to #5377660)
Subject: RE: J.D. 6410 or 20?

West Union IA
Got a 6420 four years ago, it's a nice little unit.
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Posted 6/26/2016 21:28 (#5377855 - in reply to #5377802)
Subject: RE: J.D. 6410 or 20?

Fayette Co, Iowa
What r u using it for kinzeman?
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Posted 6/26/2016 22:36 (#5378019 - in reply to #5377855)
Subject: RE: J.D. 6410 or 20?

West Union IA
I have 15 ft. Mower for waterways, run 10x70 auger, side dressing. It's my loader tractor also. Just a nice chore tractor.

Edited by kinzeman 6/26/2016 22:41


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Posted 6/26/2016 21:09 (#5377795 - in reply to #5377488)
Subject: RE: J.D. 6410 or 20?

Western Iowa
How many hours a year are you putting on the 7810? If only 2-300 I would just suck it up and use it for the jobs you mention. If you really need another tractor the 6410 or 6420 would both be nice. Don't get the 6310. I had one as trading material and used it around the farm a bit. What a pooch.......
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JD 9400
Posted 6/27/2016 00:29 (#5378104 - in reply to #5377795)
Subject: RE: J.D. 6410 or 20?

Southern Pa.
Sodbustr - 6/26/2016 22:09

How many hours a year are you putting on the 7810? If only 2-300 I would just suck it up and use it for the jobs you mention. If you really need another tractor the 6410 or 6420 would both be nice. Don't get the 6310. I had one as trading material and used it around the farm a bit. What a pooch.......

The only difference between a 6310 and a 6410 is the injection pump settings. The pooch part comes from the 10 series part of the tractor, not the "63" part, IMO. I bought a new O/S 6400 in '97, loved it. I bought a cherry '01 800 hr. one owner 6410 in '07. It was reliable, but tended to run warm, and was gutless compared to my late model 6400. I have two BIL's with 6410's, both are relatively gutless like mine was. Have a close friend that owns a 6410 and a 6220. Loves the 6220, says the 6410 is gutless, and will start slowing down when it sees a hill out ahead. I really believe the 6X10 series are gutless because of the injection pumps, they have some fancy gadgets hanging on the injection pumps (for emissions reasons) that the 6X00 series didn't have.

I traded the 6410 on a new '11 6430 premium. The 6430 has good power, and no heating issues.So far we really like it, what the overload of electronics on it will do to its reliability in the future remains to be seen.

To the OP, as far as electronics go, the 6X00 and 6X10 series are very similiar, with the exception of the injection pump. The 6X20 series have a lot more sensors which can give some grief at times.The late model 6400 I had never had heating issues like my 6410. I have heard others complain about the 6X10's having heating issues as well. Why, I don't know.

If you want to steer clear of excessive electronics, I'd recommend a late model 6400. Skip the 6X10 series, IMO. A 6420 is a great tractor, but does have a lot of sensors that the previous models didn't.

If hyd. flow isn't much of an issue, a non premium 6430 doesn't have excessive amounts of electronics. A late model non premium will have a 21 gpm hyd. pump versus an earlier one having a 17 gpm. All the non premium Cab models will have open center hyd. systems, versus PFC hyd. systems on the premiums. Premium hyd. systems were optional on non premium 6X30 series tractors, but only on the O/S models.

A 4020 has a smooth running 6 cyl. engine. A 7210 will also have a 6 cyl. engine which is inherently smoother than its 4 cyl. siblings. I will say that the 6X30 premiums do have a very smooth running engine for a 4 cyl.

If you lean toward a 6 cyl. engine, a 7200 does not have the same engine as a 7400. I was never a big fan of the 359 cu. in. engine.A 7210 has the better 6.8 L engine like the 7400.

Good luck!!!!

Edited by JD 9400 6/27/2016 05:47
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Posted 6/26/2016 22:12 (#5377968 - in reply to #5377488)
Subject: RE: J.D. 6410 or 20?

BC, Canada
We have two 6420s, both open station 16x16 mechanical reverser power quads.
Ones an 02 with now a 673 loader, had a 640 originally had since new, has 4000hrs now. Used to haul manure, mow grass. Now pushes silage, plows and runs around loading round bales. Had a few minor issues, nothing major. Can't complain at all.
Other is an 05, bought in 2010 with 2500hrs, now has 7400hrs. Has electronic fuel pump that is causing some minor issues at the moment, but I still runs good. Has to replace the forward clutch piston about a year after we bought it. That's about it. It runs a TMR mixer on our dairy.
Both have had water pumps and associated parts. Fuel, oil, filters and grease. They have been good tractors for us.
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Posted 6/27/2016 09:58 (#5378563 - in reply to #5377488)
Subject: ?

did any of the 6400 have 20 or 24 speed tranny, how about the 7210 or 7410 did they come with 20 or 24 speed. Might want to thank about a 7510 tractor alsol
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JD 9400
Posted 6/27/2016 21:15 (#5379793 - in reply to #5378563)
Subject: RE: ?

Southern Pa.
On the 6X10, or 6X20 series, you could get a 24 speed if you opted to get MFWD. I'm thinking some of the late 6X00 had the 24 speed as an option on MFWD models. No 20 speeds come on tractors built over seas. The 7X10, 7X20 series could be equipped with the 20 speed in any of the models including 2wd, IIRC. Not sure about the 7X00 tractors.
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Posted 6/28/2016 21:43 (#5381895 - in reply to #5377488)
Subject: RE: J.D. 6410 or 20?

south central WI
We have a 6410, very nice little tractor. Easy to get in and out for my dad. Ours had 8-10,000 hours probably, hardly ever breaks down or has issues. It's too small for us though. I would sell it but we need to get rid of bigger tractors that aren't reliable. The only thing the 6410 can do for us is pull a 20' chopper box or run the mixer...and that is 700 cubic foot. Does it with out an issue, but that's a lot of weight behind a 10,000 lb tractor. The 7000 series is a little bigger and even more reliable. I don't think we will part with thatone. I want to see how many hours it can go. 20k and counting, 6 hrs minimum every day.
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