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CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody
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Posted 4/9/2016 14:33 (#5232316)
Subject: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

I have a 2013 magnum 340 that started getting antifreeze in oil. Hauled it in this week to find out that the o-rings their using under the cylinder liners are failing,leading to antifreeze in engine oil of the eveco engines. They also have o-ring failures on oil coolers doing the same thing,but thats only a 4 hr. replacement not 40. Talked to another dealer in idahoe that said he had three in the shop for the same thing. Rep said their aware of the issue but i havent heard what their going to do for me yet, just out of warranty. Would like to hear from anyone else who has had this happen to,and how did they handle it if out of warranty. Thanks alot
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Posted 4/9/2016 14:38 (#5232320 - in reply to #5232316)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

How many hours before failure?
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Posted 4/9/2016 14:54 (#5232336 - in reply to #5232320)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Mine has 1800 hrs. My dealer did another one that had a 2011 with 2600 hrs and was hoping it was a fluke but nervous now. Dealer out west said hes seen them 1200 to 3000 time didnt seem to matter. Also said it was a horse apiece when u get them in if its gonna be the oil cooler or the sleeves leaking.
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Posted 4/9/2016 16:47 (#5232440 - in reply to #5232336)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Is it just 340's or all the 8.7 Ivecos? Getting a bit nervous as our 290 is getting about 1600 hours on it now and is out of warranty.
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Posted 4/9/2016 16:22 (#5232408 - in reply to #5232316)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Strasburg North Dakota
We had the oil cooler orings fail on our 7010 combine with the Iveco engine combine a few years ago
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Posted 4/9/2016 16:46 (#5232437 - in reply to #5232408)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Not same problem but have had issues in the past out of warranty but they took care of it because they knew it was wide spread and there fault because of defects. Have your dealer get with his service rep and see if they will stand behind it. A good dealer will work with you on it
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Posted 4/9/2016 17:05 (#5232465 - in reply to #5232437)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

All the 8.7 liters. The dealer i spoke to has done 260 290 340 all the same. They install a different part # o-ring now, but you cant tell any difference by looking at them, and was told that they dont know that that will end it from happening again. Im also not sure when they have started using this new o ring either. Mine is a 2013 and doesnt have it,and it sounds like these issues are just getting started. My dealer thought it was the antifreeze affecting them,but i cant verify if that is indeed whats starting this. I hope your right about the rep helping out with this. He was contacted,but only said "were aware of it and will get back". The first one with 2600 hrs. Wasnt warrantied thst they did. These kinda problems are like cancer, you hear of it,but are glad it isnt you, but like a friend of mine with cancer told me when he got it "it cant always be the other guy".
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Hilltop Husker
Posted 4/9/2016 18:25 (#5232535 - in reply to #5232465)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Northern Nebraska
What about 370 and 380 magnums? They have the same 8.7 right?
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Posted 4/9/2016 19:30 (#5232630 - in reply to #5232535)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Yes,it would be 370,and 380's also. My concern is i think i caught it right away,i noticed oil was up 1/2" overfull when i checked it. Even if you guys check it everymorning, how do we know it didnt do other damage like mains,turbo bearings etc. Oil and water are never good. When i opened the sump valve before starting it a good qrt of pure green antifreeze came out first. When the dealer picked it up it sat over night there and another qrt was in the oil when they ran it in the shop. And when they tore it down only one liner was leaking as of now. What are your guys opinion on if the rep wont stand behind it and i get stuck with the whole bill what would yous do?? Whether 500 hrs or 2500 hrs. Would any of you consider this acceptable?? If i had known i would need a major teardown in less than 2000 hrs i wouldnt of bought it would you especially if u have to pay for it?? I guess it will come down to how they take care of it.
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Posted 4/9/2016 19:41 (#5232657 - in reply to #5232630)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Lost an 8.7L in a combine last year, no answers. Never found coolant loss, but everything that turned had wear, at 600 engine hours.

Luckily was under warranty, but scary.
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Posted 4/9/2016 19:44 (#5232668 - in reply to #5232630)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Grandfield, Ok.
Sounds like the FIX_IT-AGAIN-TONY group can either step up to the plate with a BIG check book or close their doors. Putting in Questionable replacement o-rings does not sound like a professional organization.
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Posted 4/9/2016 19:45 (#5232670 - in reply to #5232630)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Ontario's West Coast , Huron County
What are your options as far as trading out of it and getting into another color ?
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Posted 4/9/2016 20:00 (#5232696 - in reply to #5232670)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Funny u say that, ive never had any issues with my 8000 series deeres,the sad part is there are alot of things i really like about this tractor even though ive been deere all my life, i believe any supplier can have issues it just depends jow they take care of us. But it sure seems strange to have this happen with oil coolers and liner orings this day and age. I wish jim naden (i think his name) would respond,he always seems very knowledgable and helpfull on this case ih stuff. Ive got 2 weeks before in the fields,but imagine how upset u would be to have this happen when u really need it. At least i kept my deere i guess that was a good thing to.
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Posted 4/9/2016 20:13 (#5232717 - in reply to #5232696)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

JOHN DEERE has a ring failure on their 2013 series R tractors so changing colors won't change much. You can THANK all this on that EMISSION BS we all have too deal with. m My 350hd Steiger has the same motor. Monday I'll have too call my service manager at the dealership. If it is a know thing I would guess CASEIH the take care of it.
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Posted 4/9/2016 20:21 (#5232740 - in reply to #5232717)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Have to agree with u there, i havent had any emission problems yet on this new stuff,but wonder what that will be like in 5 or 10 year old equipment. I didnt know about the ring issue on the deeres either. Thats whats nice about talking with people here. And i didnt realize your steiger 350 had the same engine,but i guess it would when u think about the hp, i just assumed it was larger liter.
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Posted 4/9/2016 20:23 (#5232746 - in reply to #5232717)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

just had a colonoscopy everything checked out fine....owning one of these 290"s I may get a Case of hemroids
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Posted 4/9/2016 20:26 (#5232758 - in reply to #5232746)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

That was funny i needed that.
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Posted 4/9/2016 20:36 (#5232774 - in reply to #5232758)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

the sad part is the resale of these problem tractors has probably getting worth less & less
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Posted 4/9/2016 20:52 (#5232815 - in reply to #5232774)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

The sad part about all this new stuff is that it's not going too be a 30-40 year old tractor & still being used. They are all going too be in salvage yards before all the pre electric, emission carp we buy now. I still like my pre emission,electronic tractors that I don't need a fricken laptop too fix.
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Posted 4/9/2016 21:52 (#5232977 - in reply to #5232815)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Hiw did they determine it was a sleeve oring leaking?
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Posted 4/9/2016 21:57 (#5232992 - in reply to #5232977)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

They start by checking the oil cooler first. Not sure if they pressure test it or not. But easy to see which oring was gone bad in sleeve when removed. Good question. I was told its one or the other but start with testing the oil cooler first.
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Jim Naden
Posted 4/10/2016 01:29 (#5233163 - in reply to #5232696)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Southeastern Tipton County, Indiana

Rudolph87 - 4/9/2016 21:00 Funny u say that, ive never had any issues with my 8000 series deeres,the sad part is there are alot of things i really like about this tractor even though ive been deere all my life, i believe any supplier can have issues it just depends jow they take care of us. But it sure seems strange to have this happen with oil coolers and liner orings this day and age. I wish jim naden (i think his name) would respond,he always seems very knowledgable and helpfull on this case ih stuff. Ive got 2 weeks before in the fields,but imagine how upset u would be to have this happen when u really need it. At least i kept my deere i guess that was a good thing to.

Not saying it's not a problem, but we have not had any coolant in the oil failures yet in our 4 stores and we sell a lot of Magnums.

The only part number change for the cylinder is the sleeve has been changed, no change in the sleeve sealing products.

The oil cooler part number has been changed, but not the o-rings.

Nothing in ASIST, no service bulletins. (doesn't mean there's not a problem)

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Posted 4/10/2016 07:46 (#5233391 - in reply to #5233163)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

WC Indiana
Thanks Jim. I needed a positive post. I feel a little better now. Read all these posts and it scares you to death.
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Posted 4/10/2016 07:43 (#5233381 - in reply to #5232316)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Shelburne Ontario Canada
Just a stupid question . Are people changing coolant? Are they starting to leak under 2yrs old? Or most coolant is 2 yr- 2000hr? Is it this new none poisinious coolant they use? That start few yrs back?

Edited by redblooded 4/10/2016 07:44
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Posted 4/10/2016 13:39 (#5234281 - in reply to #5233381)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Just had engine in a semi overhauled and mechanic recommended switching back to the green coolant because the newer antifreeze was eating up seals after awhile.
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Posted 4/15/2016 17:32 (#5244924 - in reply to #5234281)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Litchfield, NY
CNH is stepping up and helping with this issue. There is a PIP now.
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Posted 4/17/2016 06:32 (#5247202 - in reply to #5244924)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

It's there any way to confirm this? Maybe one of our case ih mechanics? Surely it's a fix as fail and they're not going open up every engine. What will the age limitations be?
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L Wilson
Posted 4/17/2016 06:48 (#5247232 - in reply to #5247202)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

From what I was told it's case by case. As of now they are not going to open up all of them. It starts with 2011 models and goes to mid 2015 before changes was done. They all don't have this problem just a small amount of them and it is between 2000-3000 hrs. they are pro rated depends on hrs. and year. Rep told me I could buy extended warranty if I was concerned.
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Posted 4/10/2016 07:52 (#5233410 - in reply to #5232316)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

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mike swne
Posted 4/10/2016 07:54 (#5233421 - in reply to #5232316)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Big Springs, Nebraska
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Posted 4/10/2016 08:28 (#5233524 - in reply to #5233421)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

As brenner said we need a positive post,i was waiting to hear jims thoughts. I havent heard of a different liner,and the oring number has been superceeded but that doesnt mean its better,could be just a different vender. And it should scare the hell out of everyone,because my dealer has had 2 and the other dealer i spoke to has got some in the shop right now for this,plus im scared cause it happened to me on a 2013 model and i might get stuck with the bill as the previous guy at the dealership did with 2600hrs on it. Jim might be right that there isnt anything on assist but as the rep for my dealer told him "were aware of it" meaning this might be all just starting to surface and they dont have a fix. And as jim said that doesnt mean theres not a problem out there. The oil coolers leaking are deffinetly an issue to that could cause a engine tear down if not caught,but mine didnt have that issue. I wont feel better till i find out if case ih is gonna take care of me. Im also gonna ask them about what jim said about different liners and oil coolers. Why would they update them if not a problem. Where is the fix if they just replace my orings and it happens again in another 1800hrs. I hope we all can get some answers out of this.

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Posted 4/10/2016 08:43 (#5233567 - in reply to #5233524)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Central Minnesota

I hope it is not going to be every engine deal. I have 3 of them 2013 Iveco engines and a 1 2014. Sure would hate to have antifreeze leaking in all of them.

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Posted 4/10/2016 08:44 (#5233574 - in reply to #5232316)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Southern Ontario

Just looked at online parts and the o-ring for the oil cooler has a new part number. Just going though the parts and it looks like a LOT of o-rings have new part numbers.


Now I am worried. Just bought a 340 with 300 hours in the winter. Hasn't even been in the field yet. Guess I will stop and talk with the dealership on Monday and see if they have heard anything. Maybe try and get an extended warranty or something.

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Posted 4/10/2016 09:12 (#5233640 - in reply to #5233574)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

South texas
Just got my 2012 290 with 2100 hrs out of the shop for bad oring on the oil cooler. Not good to hear it is so widespread. Not the first tractor at my dealer with the problem. No liner problems though.
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Posted 4/10/2016 09:27 (#5233684 - in reply to #5233574)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

You bring up a good point,can we get any kind of extended warranty? Mine is a 2013 so im expired,bur after this work is done am i gonna get any guarantees? I know if i were to buy a new one of these or had one i could still get the extended warranty i'd buy it. Not just because of this problem,but anything u touch nowdays turns to thousands quick,plus piece of mind. The big thing is i think like alot of things,its just starting to surface. The dealers are like us dont know much yet unless they dealt with it, to recent. Like my dealer said "weve dealt with it but dont see the fix yet other than a different part number oring on the liners and coolers. Maybe thats the fix. I appreciate jim responding,he has helped myself and many others on here over the years with issues, normally not this big though.
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Jim Naden
Posted 4/10/2016 10:31 (#5233852 - in reply to #5233574)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

Southeastern Tipton County, Indiana

TurnbullFarms - 4/10/2016 09:44

Just looked at online parts and the o-ring for the oil cooler has a new part number. Just going though the parts and it looks like a LOT of o-rings have new part numbers.


Now I am worried. Just bought a 340 with 300 hours in the winter. Hasn't even been in the field yet. Guess I will stop and talk with the dealership on Monday and see if they have heard anything. Maybe try and get an extended warranty or something.

NGPC, which is the parts system dealers use but the public can't access, doesn't show new o-rings but the numbers do have priors which is not unusual.

If there had been a part change due to failures caused by those parts the priors would be marked do not use which there is not for either the cooler or sleeve o-rings listed

Current cooler o-rings are 2 of 17283481 and 4 of 17289781 .

Current sleeve o-rings are 12 of 99459176 and 6 of 99459175

Sleeve p/n is 504305866 subs to 7504305869

There is a possibility that there might be another change on some of these items as I don't have access to some info the parts department has.

I'll dig into this some more.

Edited by Jim Naden 4/10/2016 11:07
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Posted 4/10/2016 13:30 (#5234254 - in reply to #5233852)
Subject: RE: CASEIH MAGNUM issue for everybody

All I can say is Case IH Please take care of your people (customers) this could have a MAJOR IMPACT on sales or their survival.....................
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