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Raising Holstein Feeder Steers
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Posted 4/8/2016 10:09 (#5229943)
Subject: Raising Holstein Feeder Steers

Ok first off I have very little experience with livestock other than some 4-h feeder steers and hogs I raised a few years ago. There is a place coming up for sale soon that has about a 93x93 feed lot area attached to the bottom of an old barn. The barn has concrete the rest doesn't. I'm figuring on buying some bull calves from the dairies or sale barn and raising them to market weight. I'm trying to pencil out a few numbers but gotta have a place to start. How many steers could this realistically support? And how much feed does it take to get a pound of growth? What would I get into milk replacer and buying feed bulk delivered from a feed mill? I know I'm pretty green at this but figure this is the place to start asking questions. Thanks
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Posted 4/8/2016 12:22 (#5230195 - in reply to #5229943)
Subject: RE: Raising Holstein Feeder Steers

West Central Missouri
Here is a bottle to finish budget you might use as a guide. It buys the calf for $250.......buys corn for $3.75......and sells fats in 14 months for $1.00 per pound. Your costs might be different.....but it's a good guide.....with a B/E of $0.90.


Attachments BottleCalfBudget04082016.JPG (104KB - 170 downloads)
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Posted 4/8/2016 12:55 (#5230270 - in reply to #5229943)
Subject: RE: Raising Holstein Feeder Steers

North Iowa
2016 Holstein Budget

Rate of Gain (lbs/day) 2.80
Starting Weight (lbs) 400
Ending Weight (lbs) 1450
Days on Feed 375

Input Holstein Steer
Steer Purchase Price ($/lb) $1.35
Steer Purchase price (Total) $540.00
Death Loss (3.0%) $21.06
Veterinary Expense $40.00
Feed $528.60
Yardage (no labor) $99.38
Labor $50.63
Misc. Costs (Commission) $5.00
Trucking (Inbound $10 and Outbound $35) $45.00
Bedding (Corn Stalk Bales until on slats) $5.00
Interest (4.5%) $40.04
Total Costs $1,374.70

Sell Price $1.085
Gross revenue $1,573.25
6% Shrink and Discounts $(94.40)
Gross Profit Per Head (Gross-Costs-Disc) $104.15

I can make anything work on paper, the key is can you get good consistent steers bought right that will repeatedly meet your budget. You will learn a lot the first few groups and will need that to develop your own numbers. Until then, start small and don't bite off more than you can stand to lose. If it was easy everyone would do it. Good luck.
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Posted 4/8/2016 13:36 (#5230340 - in reply to #5230270)
Subject: RE: Raising Holstein Feeder Steers

NC ia
In my opinion bottle calves are not what I would call a great buy in the current market. 90 lb calves are still brining $300 from most of the ones I find. You'd be better off buying some mid weight feeders I think.

Edited by heartlandfarmer 4/8/2016 13:40
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Posted 4/8/2016 17:41 (#5230689 - in reply to #5230340)
Subject: RE: Raising Holstein Feeder Steers

SC Wisconsin
I buy calves because I'm just starting and I can get several more head per 1k I spend versus buying a feeder. Also, I depends on where you buy them. I still pay 200-250 to my uncles for calves that are 2-3 days old. They do a good job getting them colostrum and I pick them up within a couple hours of them calling me to let me know the calves are ready. I would say have him get 5-10 calves, find someone to help him get them started(maybe a vet or neighbor?). To the OP, if you are going to go the newborn route, remember these are day old babies. If you're not going to treat them as such, I suggest you do start out with a few feeders to make sure raising cattle is really something you want to do.
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Posted 4/8/2016 19:29 (#5230866 - in reply to #5230689)
Subject: RE: Raising Holstein Feeder Steers

Central MN
You might be better off buying weaned calves which should be less health issues. Bottle calves are cheaper but end up spending alot of money in a short time on them. A bag of milk replacer and starter will feed it for 50-60days so you will have over $1/day just in feed. Adds up fast with those bottle calves.
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Posted 4/9/2016 10:05 (#5231938 - in reply to #5230866)
Subject: RE: Raising Holstein Feeder Steers

Thanks for all the info. Those numbers sheets are a really good place for me to start. I guess next I need to figure out how to get good heathy calves or feeders bought. Anyone got any info on that?
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Posted 4/9/2016 10:09 (#5231945 - in reply to #5230270)
Subject: RE: Raising Holstein Feeder Steers

Amherst WI
What are you feeding for 2.8 rate of gain? That seems low to me but I am feeding mine pretty hot. Last group was at 3.6# per day and the heavier group I have out there now are doing all of that. They were doing 3.5# on refusal before I got them.
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