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International Hydro??
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Posted 2/29/2016 10:37 (#5145237)
Subject: International Hydro??

I'm wondering if any of you have any experience with a IH 84 Hydro. Were these reliable transmissions? It would sure be a nice solution but am wondering what the reliability was. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!!
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RockFarmer KY
Posted 2/29/2016 11:36 (#5145314 - in reply to #5145237)
Subject: RE: International Hydro??

southern central Ky
I have a 544 diesel hydro with a loader on it. Handy as a pocket on a shirt. Keep the hydro oil changed and the filter too, never had a bit of trouble out if it. I know HyTran is high but use it, not the cheap stuff. If you can verify the maintenance of it I wouldn't bee afraid of one. RockFarmer KY
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Posted 2/29/2016 11:50 (#5145345 - in reply to #5145237)
Subject: RE: International Hydro??

Jefferson, SD
I have an 86 hydro. I had to rebuild the hydro in 2014, it was around $5000 for a reman installed by CIH dealer. I'm in the neighborhood of 4500hrs. You can tell a lot by driving it around and feeling the way the hydro takes off etc. Mine was getting weak when in high so I was having to use low anytime there was any pull on the tractor and I knew it was time for the rebuild. The dealer can read the pressures and tell you the status.

I have learned that not every CIH dealer has a mechanic that understands hydro tractors. Typically the older mechanics went to the training back in the day and know the little tricks. Once you find a good guy try to stick with them. Keeping the hyd oil changed and clean is paramount to hydro life. I also use hytran only and none of the cheaper stuff.

It's quite possibly the handiest tractor I've ever driven although it's not made to do tillage etc. It's a great yard and loader tractor.
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Posted 2/29/2016 12:03 (#5145365 - in reply to #5145345)
Subject: RE: International Hydro??

Soutwest Ks.

I've owned a 666 IH hydro for a number of years.  Have a front end loader on it and like has been said, they are handy.  I don't know what you intend to use one for, but they don't do well as tillage machines.  I also don't like the power steering as it is too weak if you use the front loader at all.  Front axle is also light on most of the models.  They were a good transmission for their day.

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Posted 2/29/2016 14:08 (#5145553 - in reply to #5145365)
Subject: RE: International Hydro??

NW Central Ohio
..I have a 2350 loader on ours (Hydro 70)...and the power steering was good up until a couple years ago. I believe I've got some internal can't turn the wheels while it's sitting still with a 3000lb. pallet of seed on it anymore!!!

Edited by pupdaddy12003 2/29/2016 14:09
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Posted 2/29/2016 12:29 (#5145397 - in reply to #5145237)
Subject: RE: International Hydro??

I have a 1983 Hydro 84 with a 2250 loader,3900 hrs second owner. I knew the first owner. Very handy tractor to have. The history if you can get it is important. Keys to making this tractor last is as mentioned earlier use Hy Tran and OEM filters. Do not short change yourself for a few bucks. Remember there are 2 hyd filters on a Hydro 84. One mounted in a canister on the MCV valve and one located under neath the trans belly. Take off plate loose a little oil and there it is,most people miss that one and it is the most important. Both filters are same part number.. Keep your hyd coolers in front of the radiators clean. Great tractor to own.
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Posted 2/29/2016 14:05 (#5145545 - in reply to #5145237)
Subject: RE: International Hydro??

NW Central Ohio
...Some of the old 656's had that transmission then the 666's...and the Hydro 70 and Hydro 84 have that transmission. I have one with 6800 hours on it...never rebuilt the pump or motor. My neighbors have one with 9000+ hours on's starting to get a little sloppy. Nice for baling with on a small square baler. Excellent for raking. Might be too small for round baling with a large round baler. Can probably operate a 9 foot conditioner pretty well. We pulled a 6 ton fertilizer cart for years with it. Hardest thing we ever ran on that tractor was a 4 row sugarbeet defoliator. It had all it wanted at 4 MPH. Definitely kept the cab warm!

Edited by pupdaddy12003 2/29/2016 14:13
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Posted 2/29/2016 14:49 (#5145621 - in reply to #5145237)
Subject: RE: International Hydro??

Thanks for all the replies guys!! Much appreciated!
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