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Good loader for a JD 4430?
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Posted 1/13/2016 12:41 (#5033282)
Subject: Good loader for a JD 4430?

We have a 158 loader for our 4430 JD. I think it's a pretty good match for the tractor and it seems like it's been fairly strong but I wonder if there is a more modern loader out there that will dump a little higher (clearing a tall graincart easily when you're cleaning up a grain spill) and has a quick disconnect for the bucket so you can put different attachments up front?

Also, we currently just use the two hydraulic remotes on the tractor itself for controlling lift and tilt. It would be nice if I had something rigged up via power beyond to control the loader that would then allow me to always have the remotes open for for other work. I don't really care about joystick control, I just care about having the remotes open.

I'm pretty ignorant on loaders and what options are available so I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. Thanks.
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Posted 1/13/2016 12:49 (#5033302 - in reply to #5033282)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?

I should also mention that it would almost be better for me if it fit on a JD 4010. Then we could leave the 158 on the 4430 and the JD 4010 makes a nice grain bag unloading tractor which is where the majority of our loader work happens.
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thumb farmer
Posted 1/13/2016 12:58 (#5033314 - in reply to #5033282)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?

Port Austin Mi.
I have a JD 725 on my 4430, believe it has more lift and a higher reach than the 158. also have power beyond and a joystick on it. Love the loader. had a 148 on a 4010 years ago and it worked good.
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Posted 1/13/2016 13:04 (#5033326 - in reply to #5033282)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?

Northeastern Pa.
I have a 265 on a 2940 with 20.8x34 tires and can reach above the 2nd 4x5 round bale loaded on a semi flatbed trailer. It is a good heavy loader with quick attach bucket and quick attach loader frame. You can plumb a loader into your main hydraulic system and free up your outlets.
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Posted 1/13/2016 13:43 (#5033406 - in reply to #5033326)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?


Could you just put a quik coupler on your 158 loader. I thought a 725 was just a newr loader with about the same spec. We have 780  Great Bend loader on our 4430 with a JD joystick setup  that's works like a dream.  I would not have a farm  loader with out the joystick the Gb  loader will go really high . We had a 148 JD loader earlier on 4230 that did  not go as high. I really think a 158 loader is good setup.

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Posted 1/14/2016 09:31 (#5035290 - in reply to #5033406)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?

Thanks, I'll look into the quick coupler add-ons.

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665 Farmer
Posted 1/13/2016 14:11 (#5033461 - in reply to #5033282)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?

We have a quick coupler on a 158.
I think it is called Sure Lock. It is aftermarket
But we got it from our Deere dealer.

We have forks, bucket, grapple, blade, always
Changing works good.

Ours is on 4440 now and a 4430 before that, good match.
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Posted 1/14/2016 09:41 (#5035313 - in reply to #5033461)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?

I will look into the Sure Lock. That sounds good, thanks.

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Posted 1/13/2016 14:28 (#5033494 - in reply to #5033282)
Subject: put the 158 on your 4010, then

Culbertson, MT
725 on the 4430, or perhaps a 740. Fitment is available for the 30 series 2wd.
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Posted 1/13/2016 16:53 (#5033753 - in reply to #5033494)
Subject: RE: put the 158 on your 4010, then

I have a JD 725 on a JD 4440 and it will reach over a semi hopper trailer. It is real heavy on the front axle for this tractor. 720 might be a better choice. It does have the joystick control so it does not tie up any remotes. Neighbor has a Koyker 565 on a JD 4630 and it has been a good cheap loader for the abuse it gets. It does have some cracks on it now.
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Posted 1/13/2016 17:16 (#5033810 - in reply to #5033282)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?

West Central Indiana
I have a 158 on my 4430. Run it off a power beyond block with a joystick. I have a Worksaver quick coupler that is universal skid steer so my attachments will fit the tractor or skid steer. Very happy with it.

Edited by Blackbaldie 1/13/2016 17:22


Attachments IMG_20150412_151531_566.jpg (153KB - 499 downloads)
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Posted 1/13/2016 18:44 (#5034041 - in reply to #5033810)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?

720 & 148 are an almost match & 725 & 158 are similar. 4010 & 4020, 4030, 4230, 4430 & 4630 front ends are the same width so the loaders should fit the same. Pipe front axle on 4010 & 4020, so these loaders with the bigger buckets or large 1500 lb round bales may prove too much. So the 4030 thro 4630 would be a better choices with the cast steel front axles.
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Posted 1/13/2016 19:26 (#5034177 - in reply to #5034041)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?

Saronville NE
Have a 725 on a 4030, its been a good loader. Had a 260 on a different 4030 at one time. Neighbor has a 740 on a 4000.
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Posted 1/13/2016 19:25 (#5034173 - in reply to #5033810)
Subject: Pics of my coupler

West Central Indiana



Attachments coupler1.jpg (103KB - 565 downloads)
Attachments coupler2.jpg (70KB - 574 downloads)
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Posted 1/13/2016 19:40 (#5034226 - in reply to #5034173)
Subject: RE: Pics of my coupler

Ns/Tr co. Ks
740 John Deere or legend. That way it's self leveling. I don't know why you'd want one without?
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Posted 1/14/2016 02:14 (#5034804 - in reply to #5034173)
Subject: Nt

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Posted 1/14/2016 09:33 (#5035295 - in reply to #5033810)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?

Thanks, I'll look into the Worksaver quick coupler as well.

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Posted 1/13/2016 19:43 (#5034235 - in reply to #5033282)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?

148 and 158 loaders were the standard loaders for that tractor family. When MFWD tractors were coming the 260 and later 265 loaders provided the under boom room for larger front tires. The 200 series loaders were the first with a quick change attachment carrier and pin to tractor mounting brackets and featured mechanical self leveling. The introduction of the 7000 series tractors required wider loader boom spacing so the 720 and 725 replaced the 148 and 158 for all 2WD tractors and the 740 replaced the 265. Later on the 721 and 726 replaced the 720 and 725. All of the 600 and 700 series loader attachments will interchange. Mounting frames are different for loaders but remain compatible with in a given tractor family. A 4010 and 4455 share the same mount for a 725. A 4010 and a 4455 share the same mount for a 265. 200 series attachments do not fit 700 series loaders. There are after market buckets and attachments for all of these loaders. With an adapter plate a later 30 series or newer wide front under a 4010/20 and any of these loaders can easily be used. Deere does not sell a new loader to fit the early, pre 7000 tractors, but Koyker is building the 740 in their Legend series. Clear as mud?

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Posted 1/14/2016 09:19 (#5035260 - in reply to #5034235)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?

Allied/Buhler is a combined brand that fits a host of tractors. I bought a New 795 Allied/Buhler for a 4430 at a cost about equal to a used 158 loader-the dealers seem to holding them high the 158. Maybe the 895 would be a bit heavier & better all around.
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Posted 1/14/2016 09:39 (#5035303 - in reply to #5034235)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?

That is a great summary, thanks.

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Posted 1/14/2016 09:40 (#5035306 - in reply to #5035303)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?

Now that I think about it, you mentioned all 600 and 700 loader attachments interchange but I don't see anything in your summary about 600 series loaders. Where do they fit? Thanks.

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Posted 1/14/2016 16:54 (#5036066 - in reply to #5035306)
Subject: RE: Good loader for a JD 4430?

The 620 and 640 fit 6000 series and earlier 4 cylinder utility tractors. The frames and loader booms make the "fit up" better on the shorter tractors. The only exception are the 6 cylinder utility tractors which have their own group of mounting frames that allow the row crop tractor loaders to fit.

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