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Grain Cart tires
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Jim Elliott
Posted 8/16/2006 21:32 (#36379)
Subject: Grain Cart tires

Sarnia, Ontario
I am looking to purchase a grain cart, aprox. 500-550 bushel. Some carts have diamond tread tires & some have R1 tractor lug type. Which is best or are they comparable?
I am looking at a Brent 572 & a unverferth 5000 - both hold about 525 bushel. Anybody have experience with these models?
Should I go for 30.5-32 tires or would 28L26 be as good for this size of cart?
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Posted 8/16/2006 21:43 (#36384 - in reply to #36379)
Subject: Re: Grain Cart tires

Brazilton KS
Make sure they have enough load rating. Other then that, I don't see much difference one way or the other between the tread designs. You aren't likely to wear them out either way. Far as I'm concerned bigger tires are better on a cart, regardless of size.
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Posted 8/16/2006 21:52 (#36390 - in reply to #36379)
Subject: RE: Grain Cart tires

I run R1 tires and mounted them on backwards. Dealer stated that in wet conditions the tires will throw mud instead of packing up and pushing through the field. Has worked very well so far. This is on a 620 J&M tires are 20.8 x 38

Edited by bigcob 8/16/2006 22:31
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Cliff SEIA
Posted 8/16/2006 22:08 (#36394 - in reply to #36379)
Subject: RE: Grain Cart tires

In deep mud the lug tires will keep turning after the knobby tires have started to slide (when they start to slide you'd better have alot of tractor in front of it and a good driver) but in not so bad mud the knobby tires will tend to hold the mud under the tire instead of squishing it out the sides like a lug tire so they do have better flotation. Both of our Brent carts have had the knobby tires but we'd really like to have a set of big flotation tires on our 774 which would have to be a lug tire. We've also got a JD 500 cart on 28L-26 lug tires and I don't know if it's because of the tires but it rides really rough on the road compared to our Brents.
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Posted 8/16/2006 22:26 (#36404 - in reply to #36379)
Subject: Re: Grain Cart tires

I think for anything over 600bu 30.5-32's are the way to go. I think diamond treads compact the ground more than bar treads. I still question whether rice tires would be better on a grain cart for less compaction.
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Posted 8/16/2006 22:31 (#36408 - in reply to #36404)
Subject: Re: Grain Cart tires

According to our tire dealer the lugged tires compact more than the diamond treads but the lugs will go thru mud better & clean much better than the diamonds. We have had carts with both type tires & from our experience the lug tires seem to be better in mud. But as Cliff stated, they are rougher riding on the road.

Our current cart is a Unverferth 7000 & has 30.5x32 lugged tires.
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Mike SE IL
Posted 8/17/2006 07:21 (#36490 - in reply to #36408)
Subject: I Agree with Boog

West Union, Illinois
The only disadvantage to tractor tread tires is roading.  Tractor tread is better than diamond tread in the field, which is LOTS better than old aircraft tires.
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Posted 8/17/2006 08:57 (#36516 - in reply to #36490)
Subject: Re: Grain Cart tires

I had a JD 1210A with the aircraft tires. Put 23.1x26 diamond treads on it & made a big difference in the way the cart handled.
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Posted 8/17/2006 12:26 (#36569 - in reply to #36516)
Subject: Re: Grain Cart tires

We sell about 25-30 used grain carts a year, from JD 1210s up to 1000B. We also farm and use two carts each fall, and I've worked for a custom harvester for two summers as well, so I've used and seen a lot more carts than most people. If it's less than 600B, 18.4x26 is fine if it's dry but not if it's wet - then you should go up to 23.1x26 or 28x26. 24.5x32s are fine up to about 800B. Anything over that should have 30.5x32s. However I have seen 750B carts with 28x26s and they're fine if it's dry.

As stated earlier knobby diamond treads stay up better in the mud but do slide easier - But who cares? If they slide i've found they pull just as easy when they're sliding as when they're turning. If you put on lugged tires put them on backwards - it helps them stay up better. I really don't think knobby or lugged tires makes any difference.

On tires that are non-drivers (i.e. grain cart tires) it actually seems to be height which is the determining factor - The higher they are the easier they roll, even in mud.

If it gets too wet and you have some duals around make spacers out of flat iron and hardware out of threaded rod. Works great.
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