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Help with 8100 International engine fan!!
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Posted 6/29/2015 17:23 (#4652780)
Subject: Help with 8100 International engine fan!!

SW Ohio
We have a 94 international with a L10 cummins or M11, sorry cant recall off the top of my head. The engine fan will not come on. If you unplug the temp sensor it comes on all the time. The sensor has been replaced and didn't fix it. The power and ground to the sensor seem to be fine. Any ideas? TIA
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Posted 6/29/2015 18:02 (#4652834 - in reply to #4652780)
Subject: RE: Help with 8100 International engine fan!!

Mount Vernon, WA
The fan circuit is most likely controlled by the engine ECM (note - I'm not positive about this). If this is the case, then you'll need to investigate the engine ECM via Cummins software to try and figure out what it's thinking. Unplugging the temp sensor creates an open circuit and causes the ECM to turn the fan on by default.

My hunch is that the engine temp sensor is reading low and therefore the engine ECM does not want the fan to come on. However, there should be a switch somewhere in the cab that should override anything the ECM does or does not want to do.
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Posted 6/29/2015 21:55 (#4653341 - in reply to #4652780)
Subject: RE: Help with 8100 International engine fan!!

Dearfield Co.
I want to say the truck has a PCM that controls the fan as well as hvac ETC---------------in conjunction with the ecm. But I don't do many trucks here that were wired by the prince of darkness himself
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Posted 6/29/2015 22:54 (#4653482 - in reply to #4652780)
Subject: RE: Help with 8100 International engine fan!!

How hot will the engine get to? Does it have a/c at all? Engine temp and a/c system pressure are what should turn the fan on. The fan will usually be on all the time until it receives air pressure and that should turn it off. There is an electric/pneumatic valve that should open to send air to the fan clutch and turn it off. We,'ve had two trucks that the fan wouldn't turn off due to ecm issues so I rewired the cicuit with a temperature sensor that opens when the temp gets up. It opens and cuts power to the valve and thus turns the fan on. The one truck had a/c so I ran the wiring through the pressure switch on the high side of the a/c system so when pressure gets high, it opens and turns fan on as well. A lot cheaper than getting a new ecm and getting it programmed. You can get the temp sender at whatever temp you want, I think I used 210 deg in both cases. I just ran the wiring off a key on power source in the fuse box.
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Posted 6/30/2015 07:28 (#4653759 - in reply to #4653482)
Subject: RE: Help with 8100 International engine fan!!

Dearfield Co.
Thing is you really didn't fix anything-------------when a section of the memory fails in a ECM it all can fail.. Its like several detroits we have seen that the jake switch in the dash is off but the ecm is allowing the jakes to be on. Its just telling the future like you home computer. At that future is I am going to fail you and compromise your finances and possibly your well being
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