Which way does one turn the adjusting cap on 98J to tighten the bearings on the bull gear carrier? CW or CCW? Is it different from side to side? Used to know and did my own but that knowledge went to the blue when the quads showed up. Friend just bought a "5" and I need to get him into shape.
Posted 5/29/2015 17:26 (#4597984 - in reply to #4597482) Subject: RE: Cat D5 98J final drive bearing adjustment
Error!! They tighten counter clockwise when mounted on the tractor. They have regular threads, so you have to rotate ccw when standing next to the tractor
looking at the adj. nut. This will pull the outer bearing inward, taking up any slack.
Posted 5/29/2015 19:46 (#4598212 - in reply to #4597984) Subject: RE: Cat D5 98J final drive bearing adjustment
Thanks for the due diligence! That is what I thought it was. Now to make the tool that I let go with the tractor. My tractor's first home was the sky rockets. Then Moscow and now somewhere over by Odessa.